Germany’s War: The Origins, Aftermath & Atrocities of World War II
“The common people of the Soviet Union, Great Britain, the United States, Germany, Japan and all other countries in the world were strongly against war. World War II was instigated only because the leaders of some countries had wanted war and brought the people to their bidding. The question is: Which countries had leaders who wanted to bring about World War II?”
Germany’s War, Introduction.
Establishment historians characterize National Socialist Germany as a uniquely barbaric, vile and criminal regime that was totally responsible for starting World War II and carrying out some of the most heinous war crimes in world history. Germany’s War by John Wear refutes this characterization of Germany, bringing history into accord with the facts.
I highly recommend ‘Germany’s War’ by John Wear. His book is an extremely scholarly account of the origins, aftermath and atrocities of World War II. I think anyone who enjoyed reading my book ‘The Myth of German Villainy’ would also find this outstanding book to be an enjoyable read. The book is meticulously researched and exceptionally well written.
Benton L. Bradberry
Germany’s War documents that the Allied leaders of the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States were primarily responsible for starting and prolonging World War II—costing million of lives.
The leaders of Great Britain and the United States also adopted policies designed to force war with Germany. Britain’s unconditional guarantee to Poland led to horrific acts of violence against Poland’s ethnic Germans and, thus, Germany was forced to invade Poland to end these atrocities. Franklin Roosevelt’s numerous provocations, including a shoot-on-sight policy against German shipping and leaked plans of a United States invasion of Germany, forced Germany to declare war on the United States despite Hitler’s desire for peace.
This book also reports the Allied mass murder of the German people after the end of World War II during which the Allies—led by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower—murdered approximately 1.5 million German prisoners of war through intentional starvation and exposure to the elements. The Allies also carried out the largest forced population transfer in history by expelling approximately 16 million ethnic Germans from their homes after the end of the war. Probably a minimum 2.1 million of these German expellees died in what was supposed to be an “orderly and humane” expulsion. More than 2 million German women and girls were raped, many to death. Finally, the Allies murdered millions of additional Germans through starvation after the end of World War II and millions more were enslaved.
An Overview Of Germany’s War And Testimonials:
Germany’s War: Table of Contents
Introduction: War Is Hell
Part I: The Allied Conspiracy to Originate World War
- The Chief Culprit: Josef Stalin & the Soviet Union
- FDR & America’s Second Crusade
- The Forced War: How WWII Was Originated
- The Allied Conspiracy to Instigate & Prolong WWII
Part II: Allied Postwar Crimes Against Germans
- Allied Prisoner of War Camps
- The German Expellees
- History’s Most Terrifying Peace
Part III: Actual and Alleged German Atrocities of WWII
- The Alleged Genocide of European Jewry
- Crimes Committed in German Concentration Camps
- Crimes Committed by Germany During WWII
Epilogue: Creation of the Modern World
Introduction – Extract:
…This book discusses the origins, aftermath, and atrocities of World War II from a German perspective. It is in essence Germany’s side of the story. This book is designed to counteract the one-sided bias of establishment historians against Germany in regard to World War II. Most establishment historians, for example, state that it is self-evident that Adolf Hitler and Germany started World War II. However, an objective review of the origins of World War II reveals that the Allied leaders of the Soviet Union, the United States, and Great Britain were primarily responsible for starting and prolonging the war.
Part I of this book documents that:
1) Adolf Hitler was forced to invade the Soviet Union to preempt a Soviet takeover of Europe;
2) U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt repeatedly told the American public he was committed to peace while making every effort to involve the United States in war; and
3) Germany was forced to fight Great Britain even though Hitler had always wanted peace with Britain and regarded the two countries as natural allies. The leaders of the Soviet Union, the United States, and Great Britain were all committed to the complete destruction of Germany. The Allied leaders purposely sacrificed the lives of tens of millions of people and practiced uncivilized warfare to accomplish their goal.
The Allies also intentionally allowed the Soviet Union to gain control of Eastern Europe. Thus, a war allegedly fought for freedom and democracy turned into a totalitarian nightmare for the people of the Eastern European nations.
Part II of this book reports the Allied mass murder of the German people after the end of World War II. Although denied by almost all historians, the Western Allies murdered approximately 1 million German prisoners of war through intentional starvation and exposure to the elements. The Allies also carried out the largest forced population transfer in history by expelling approximately 16 million ethnic Germans from their homes after the end of the war. Probably a minimum 2.1 million of these German expellees died in what was supposed to be an “orderly and humane” expulsion. Finally, the Allies murdered millions of additional Germans through starvation after the end of World War II.
Allied soldiers also raped an estimated 2 million German women during and after World War II. This represents more rapes against a defeated enemy than any other war in history. The Allies conducted a brutal denazification program designed to make the German people feel guilty about their war effort. Hundreds of German scientists were also compelled to emigrate by the victors, and German patents, technological advances, and other property were confiscated by the Allies. Millions of Germans were also sent to the Soviet Union and other Allied nations to be used as slave labor. Large numbers of these German slave laborers did not survive their captivity. The Allied postwar treatment of Germany is surely one of the most criminal, murderous, and unreported atrocities in world history.
The real and alleged atrocities committed by Germany during World War II are discussed in Part III of this book. Germany engaged in vicious anti-partisan activity and conducted an extensive euthanasia program against its own people during the war. Illegal medical experimentation and executions were also committed by Germany in its concentration camps. However, National Socialist Germany did not have a policy of genocide against the Jewish people during the war. Although hundreds of thousands of Jews died of disease and other natural causes in the German concentration camps, Germany did not murder millions of Jews as claimed by most historians. Also, while almost never reported by establishment historians, the Allies murdered tens of thousands of Germans in former German concentration camps after the end of World War II.
This book does not pretend to be a definitive or comprehensive history of the origins, aftermath and atrocities of World War II. The subject matter is far too broad for one book. Instead, it is written to summarize in an objective manner the highly successful Allied plan to conquer, control, and mass murder the German people. This book also exposes the Allied falsification and exaggeration of German atrocities during World War II. My hope is that this book will open up a debate concerning these historical events and perhaps stimulate others to investigate more deeply into these long-suppressed subjects.
Germany’s War is a revisionist account of the Second World War. It is copiously footnoted and contains much new information. Therefore it will not win any awards and will be completely ignored by the people who publicize books. Wear will be mercilessly attacked. Revisionism is a difficult arena. Hollywood produces new films every year that keep the myths alive. Respected “historians” like Stephen Ambrose try to assassinate the character of researchers like James Bacque. Ambrose was a plagiarist who fabricated much of his information about Eisenhower yet he denounced Bacque. Revisionists must be demonized. They cannot be interested in the truth. The must be denounced as Nazis.
The facts they uncover are unbelievable. Could an American president really provoke a foreign power to make a surprise attack on U.S. forces? Could Americans be responsible for a genocidal program that resulted in the deaths of millions of women and children? People seeking to denigrate the United States are curiously uninterested in this period of history.
There is so much information to cover that Wear can be forgiven for not covering some areas in more detail. The role of Harry Dexter White deserved more emphasis. I think his information of the holocaust should have been included in a later volume. As he points out, this is a religious subject. Provable facts will have no impact and the consequences of pointing them out could be dangerous. If Wear is ever invited to Europe he might find himself in an embarrassing situation.
Wear’s critics should be prepared for more revisionism. It appears that the times are changing and people are more willing to face the truth.J Dietrich
I own a copy of this exceptional book. All should read the information in this book. It will change your beliefs permanently and bring the realization that the Germans have in fact been and still are being, the true victims of WWII. I read The Myth of German Villainy by Benton Bradberry first, and then found Germany’s War to be an excellent in depth study that complemented Bradberry’s information and expanded on many subjects lightly touched. My husband said Wear’s book is ‘the best book I have ever read, and I have read many'(including Other Losses).
I particularly enjoyed also Wear’s writing style for its clarity of expression, its fair analysis to all sides, and attention to evidence. He is a pleasure to read.
My hope is that, for their own benefit, Germans embrace this book in the manner it deserves for the truth alone will set them free.
Yes indeed, those who attack this nation for all its real and supposed crimes never seem to mention the Allies treatment of German women and children. That’s because it would damage the narrative of the evil Nazis and the “just war”.
A great collection of otherwise hard-to-find material.
The truth is that Hitler literally saved Western Europe from immediately falling to Soviet enslavement by Stalin’s army, which was the strongest in the entire world at that time and was amassed in offensive preparation along the European border. Stalin’s plan was to launch a massive offensive into Europe and Hitler’s preemptive attack was the only thing that could have stopped it. He forced Stalin to change his entire military and production infrastructure from offensive to defensive, giving Europe a chance to remain free. Unfortunately, instead of siding with him as they should have, most of Western Europe chose to side with true evil. Hitler’s love for his people, his pro-German volk policies, and his radical economic ideas changed Germany from one of the most destitute countries in the entire world to a world superpower in just ten years. Really think about how amazing that is. He used to tour the country unprotected in an open-topped Mercedes Benz and was loved by quite literally every German. Once you begin to learn the truth that has been hidden from you, you understand that everything you were ever taught about the history of your people was a bald-faced lie. It can make a man pretty angry to find this out. If anyone is interested in learning more about what truly happened in WWII I would highly recommend the book Germany’s War, by John Wear (Twitter acct @WearsWar) along with the works of David Irving.
Alt Skull
Thank you for your courageous work on behalf of truth and justice.
My mother is German and she suffered horribly from All-lied atrocities and starvation as a small child in post-war Germany. Many of her health problems in later life are directly attributable to this cruel and vindictive treatment.
Did you know that there is even today a law that forbids Germans to mourn their war-dead or to investigate All-lied war crimes? It is so sick and so wrong, so completely un-American.
Your work is brave and commendable, may God bless you and protect you always, because there are evil people out there that hate the truth that you speak.A.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you and say thank you for the work you do sir. I am German and have lived with a great sense of shame as others have for many decades.
The truth is the only god I worship, wherever it may take me.
Thank you again.Warm Regards
An ethnic German
Everything we have been told about World War II is a lie, i.e., Orwellian speak. This book needs to be read. The most interesting part for me personally was the first-hand accounts of Americans who witnessed the intentional starvation and disgraceful mistreatment of the German POWs in order to cause their deliberate deaths.
The order to starve these ordinary soldiers who were simply called up to do their duty to their country just like American and British soldiers, came directly from war criminal Eisenhower. The U.S. camp attendants and cooks were forbidden to feed them. Women from the German community who tried to feed these desperate prisoners were also forbidden and were even shot at. There was no medical help, no shelter from the freezing weather at all and the prisoners had to dig holes in the ground. Instead of being released after the war, these unfortunates were kept behind barbed wire, completely exposed to the elements, with the deliberate intent to mass murder. It is estimated that perhaps 1,000,000 inmates, maybe more, died through starvation and neglect resulting in dysentery etc.
Something else new to me was that between 12 million and 18 million ethnic German civilians in particular women and children, were intentionally forcibly expelled AFTER the war from their homes/homelands by the Allies without notice, in what was probably the ‘greatest single movement of people – in human history”. It is estimated that 2.1 million of these expellees, mostly women and children, died in what was supposed to be an “orderly and humane” expulsion. This sort of historical fact has been kept under cover for far too long.
A tragic tale but well told by Wear. I personally liked the methodical organization of the book and Wear’s writing style.
My 50 years of diligent research into the origins of World War II (Versailles Treaty), the war itself and the aftermath has accumulated a vast reservoir of knowledge which I have put to good use. However, no one knows it all. Due to suppression and the red fog of victors’ propaganda previously unknown information constantly emerges. Much thanks to the less controlled internet for such revelations.
Is it important? Yes, this book adds to the sum of human knowledge. The information gleaned cascades down through the readers’ comments of newspapers. Wear’s War does for minds what a farmer’s seed spreader does for fertile fields.Michael Walsh, Author & Independent Journalist
This book is a synopsis of the political and military actions undertaken by the major powers involved in what, over a few years, would become World War Two. For a moment, I was wondering whether I should not knock off a star, because the arrangement of the sections could perhaps be improved, but then the text as such is so important that this material consideration does not really matter – hence five stars.
The first part deals primarily with Germany’s most powerful antagonists in WW2, the Soviet Union and the USA. The central portion of the text concerns illegitimate acts committed by these countries before, during and after the war, while the third portion deals with such actions on the German side.
Whereas, in the present book, the account of the preparations for a major war by the Soviet Union, both materially and strategically, is still based mainly on the works of Viktor Suvorov, a Soviet intelligence operative who defected to the UK in 1978, much of what Suvorov later published in the West has now been corroborated in full by a former high-ranking officer in the former East-German army, Bernd Schwipper.
In his book “Deutschland im Visier Stalins” (Germany in Stalin’s gunsight) published in 2015, Schwipper clearly shows that in the period between the defeat of Poland by Germany and the SU in the fall of 1939 and the German invasion of the SU not quite two years later, the Red Army not only conducted any number of wars of aggression but was also preparing a major offensive against Germany and the rest of Europe that was about to be launched when the German army attacked the SU in late June 1941 .
Schwipper is uniquely qualified to present such a view as his perfect knowledge of the Russian language allowed him to study the Soviet files in the Russian archives in great detail; the reader of John Wear’s work can hence be sure that Wear’s analysis is bullet-proof. It would be highly desirable for Schwipper’s book to be published in English as well.
The manner in which the US prepared its entry into the war is better known, as the corresponding sources have been more easily obtainable, but Wear’s presentation is still valuable in that it provides us with an overall view of the details. The reader can see how obstinately the US – and FDR in particular – pursued a policy aimed at provoking either the Germans or the Japanese to fire the first shot and hence justify the US entry into the war. Various tactics were employed, be it the basically illegitimate supply of war material to Britain in various ways (e.g. “destroyers for bases”), the active cooperation of US forces with the British navy in securing transports to the point where German submarines were attacked by US ships before war had been declared, or, as early as October 1939, to allow only Soviet submarines to enter US ports in spite of the fact that the SU had just fought a war against Poland and annexed the Polish East.
Quite apart from such military measures, the US, in the summer of 1941, ordered the closing of all Japanese and German consulates in the country. At the same time, the US presented documents to the press which supposedly showed German plans to advance not only into South America, but into North America as well – clearly ridiculous forgeries, considering the state of German armaments at the time.
The author shows us that in spite of such unbelievable provocations, Germany remained inactive and that Roosevelt thus had to search for other means to justify an American entry into the hostilities – the Far East. The most blatant measure in this regard was the freezing of all Japanese assets in the summer of 1941 – months before the Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor.
That raid eventually took place on 7 December 1941. It could have been warded off by the US forces stationed in the area. As the author shows, however, while the US government had deciphered Japanese messages and therefore knew that an attack was imminent, the local commanders, Adm. Kimmel and Gen. Short were not informed – clearly a criminal act which led to greater damage to the American fleet and thus impressed the public to the point that it eventually approved FDR’s policy. Now there was total war.
In the Second Part of his book, the author describes the crimes committed by the Allies against Germans, such as the levelling of German cities, the expropriation and expulsion of some 15 million Germans from their native lands that had been undisputed parts of Germany for centuries, or the horrifying conditions obtaining in the camps where the German soldiers were held after their capitulation. In order to justify such illegal treatment of the prisoners, it was decided by the Allies not to define them as “prisoners of war” but as “disarmed enemy forces”, which allowed any kind of arbitrary measures to be taken against them, with the result that a considerable number of the prisoners died in the summer of 1945, after the end of the hostilities and in spite of the availability of food in western Europe.
Conditions were particularly bad in US and French camps; in some of the latter camps prisoners were without shelter even in 1946. On the British (and, surpringly, also on the Soviet side) the situation never degenerated to such levels if the local situation allowed it. The reason behind the Soviet attitude was perhaps that for the SU, it was a war of classes, not against peoples as such and whereas Hitler’s regime was considered to be a true enemy, Germans as such were not. The long-term result of this point of view was that the SU strove to build up some kind of national feeling in East Germany after the war, whereas in West Germany, any such tendencies were squashed.
The expropriation and explusion of German civilians had been mapped out in 1943, i.e. before the crimes later laid at the Germans’ feet had taken place or at least before they had become known; the measures were finally sanctioned at Potsdam. The persons concerned were for the most part women, children and the elderly who were driven from their homes under the most apalling conditions. If we allot to each of the expellees a fortune – both personal (real estate, housing, etc.) and public (hospitals, schools etc.) – of only some 50,000 US Dollars at present prices, we reach figures that approach a level of close to 1 000 (US) billion dollars (10 to the power of 12). It is estimated that more than one million persons died as a consequence of these expulsions, because – while officially they were to be carried out in an “orderly and humane” manner – more often than not this was not at all the case, especially if the expulsions took place in the early postwar period,
Hitler’s government was aware of these plans and therefore attempted to anticipate them by evacuating the German population as the eastern front approached. This reviewer was among the people concerned, in a march that began in mid-January 1945 in central Silesia; the temperature never went much above 0 degF, even in daytime, during the first couple of weeks. The evacuation of the Auschwitz camp took place at the same time, those marches are now commonly called “death marches”.
In the last section of the book, the author deals with the crimes committed by the Germans during WW2, many of which have been extensively treated in postwar trials and are certainly established facts. For some reason and without much activity on the side of revisionists, specific figures have undergone a significant albeit slow decrease over the decades for some of the most (in)famous camps. Also, some sources are still contradictory, for example the English Wikipedia entry on the camps in former Eastern Poland states that these camps (such as Treblinka etc.) were equipped with crematoria, whereas the corresponding German entry (as well as much of the literature) clearly states that they were not. It would, obviously, be highly desirable for such differences to be eliminated by further research.
Looking at the events of WW2 today, with the benefit of hindsight, the reviewer is struck by oddities and sudden political changes in the early postwar period. To begin with, it must be remembered that Britain and France had gone to war in 1939 to save Poland and Chechoslovakia from German domination, but when the war was over, the Western Allies did not hesitate to turn these countries over to Stalin’s dictatorship for the next half century.
Also, within a couple of years, the western Allies realized that while they had won the war, the Soviet Union, their former major and highly appreciated ally, had rapidly become a new enemy in a conflict that would last for nearly fifty years: the “Cold War”. In the face of this unexpected situation, they rapidly changed their attitude towards West Germany: rather than weakening the country (as Morgenthau et al. Would have liked, they strengthened it, incorporated it into the new Alliance of the Virtuous (NATO) and helped the Germans to make it the strongest power in Western Europe – within a mere decade, the West German economy had surpassed Britain, to say nothing of France.
At the same time, though, the West had to make sure that Germany would continue to be an obedient nation; educational as well as legal measures where introduced to achieve this. However, as usual, there is no such thing as a free lunch, even though the bill maybe presented rather late: The German self-esteem, over something like two generations, has been broken to the point that, in the near future, the foreigners now drifting into the country may cause the center of Europe to collapse and the rest of the continent may well slide into the crater thus formed, simply because the Germans, like Goetz in Sartre’s play “The Devil and the Good Lord” are now trying to make up for their former sins and, in doing so, create situations that may soon become uncontrollable.
It reminds the reviewer of some lines written by Schiller:
“This is the curse of every evil deed
That propagating still, it brings forth evil”.Thomas Dunskus
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