Tagged: Norman Finkelstein


Matthew Ghobrial Cockerill vs. Thomas Dalton Debate: ‘Denial’ is Not Historical Discourse, Despite Successfully Forcing The Establishment to Constantly Revise its Holocaust Narrative

Editor: Matt Cockerill and Thomas Dalton had a debate on the Holocaust which can be found at https://codoh.com/news/3495. Both participants did an excellent job, and displayed a civility that is often lacking in such debates. WearsWar will run a series of articles written by John Wear...


Some Are More Equal Than Others! Hypocrisy & The AEN

The Academic Engagement Network…. Mark Yudof, Chair of AEN’s Advisory Board, states that AEN’s narrative “should emphasize democratic participation and civil rights; tolerance; equality for people of all races, ethnicities and sexual orientations; human rights; freedom of expression and academic freedom....