Tagged: Communism


Poland Demands Reparations from Germany

      The November/December 2022 issue of The Barnes Review mentions that the Polish government has formally demanded $1.2 trillion from Germany “for the damages from the Nazi invasion and occupation during World War II.”[1] This article examines whether Poland deserves to...


Jewish Involvement in the Bolshevik Revolution

      The Bolshevik Revolution in the Soviet Union was not primarily a Russian Revolution. Instead, it was primarily led by a non-Russian, Jewish ethnic minority that hated Russians and the Czar for their alleged anti-Semitism.[1] This article documents some of the...


Why Hitler Put Jews in Camps and Ghettos

      Many people question why Adolf Hitler put Jewish civilians into camps and ghettos during World War II. People often assign false reasons for why Jews were interned in these camps. For example, Dr. Christiane Northrup, a highly intelligent and ethical...


Jewish Involvement in Instigating World War II

      Adolf Hitler said that Jews controlled both U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Soviet Union. Hitler mentioned the Jewish control of Roosevelt and the Soviet Union in his speech on December 11, 1941, declaring war on the United States:...