Germany’s Anti-Partisan Warfare during World War II

“Since the archives in Bordeaux remain closed to researchers until the year 2053, complete information about what happened at Oradour-sur-Glane remains hidden. It is likely, however, that the French have something to hide regarding this incident.”       Germany engaged in numerous...


Rudolf Hess: Wronged Prisoner of Peace

      Rudolf Hess (1894-1987) was one of the most popular National Socialist leaders. Albrecht Haushofer, who was one-quarter Jewish and abhorred National Socialism, wrote in 1934 about Hess: “There is a strange charm in his personality; whenever he is there, a...


The Rise and Fall of Dorothy Thompson Into Obscurity

Dorothy Thompson was deluged with speaking invitations after her dramatic exit from Germany. Her lectures drew impressive crowds everywhere she went. Dorothy was often introduced as the “First Lady of American Journalism” on the speaker’s platform. The Rise and Fall of...


Did German Homicidal Gas Chambers Exist?

      A relative of a prominent Holocaust revisionist recently said that the argument Holocaust supporters fear most is “the physical, chemical, topographical, architectural, and documentary evidence of the impossibility of the homicidal gas chamber.” She writes, “And, believe me, the only...


Sigmund Freud: Scientific Genius or a Fraud?

      Sigismund (Sigmund) Schlomo Freud (1856-1939) has been rated as the sixth most influential scientist in world history.[1] Medical historian Elizabeth M. Thornton writes: “Probably no single individual has had a more profound effect on 20th-century thought than Sigmund Freud.”[2] This...


The Covid-19 Questions Are Increasing

The following are some questions concerning the Covid-19 pandemic: If the masks work—Why the six feet? If the six feet works—Why the masks? If both of the above work—Why the lockdowns? If all three of the above work—Why the vaccines? If...


Covid-19: Asking Questions

The following are some questions concerning the Covid-19 pandemic: If the masks work—Why the six feet? If the six feet works—Why the masks? If both of the above work — Why the lockdowns? If all three of the above work —...