Category: Events Today


The Dallas Holocaust Museum

I used to see numerous signs advertising the new Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum as I drove around Dallas. The signs used the words Educate, Change, Teach, Hope, Inspire, Kindness, Learn, Respect, Encourage, Believe, Civility, Humanity, and Upstander to advertise...


Benjamin Ferencz: In Memoriam

Benjamin Ferencz died on April 7, 2023 at age 103. He was born in Transylvania and grew up in New York City before earning his law degree from Harvard University. Ferencz, who was Jewish, despised National Socialist Germany. He was assigned...


Wears War is back!

After censorship attacks on numerous fronts, Wears War is back online and now fully functional. We appreciate the hard work of tech support in the last few weeks to make this happen. Thank you to those readers who contacted us during...


Poland Demands Reparations from Germany

      The November/December 2022 issue of The Barnes Review mentions that the Polish government has formally demanded $1.2 trillion from Germany “for the damages from the Nazi invasion and occupation during World War II.”[1] This article examines whether Poland deserves to...


The Covid-19 Questions Are Increasing

The following are some questions concerning the Covid-19 pandemic: If the masks work—Why the six feet? If the six feet works—Why the masks? If both of the above work—Why the lockdowns? If all three of the above work—Why the vaccines? If...


Covid-19: Asking Questions

The following are some questions concerning the Covid-19 pandemic: If the masks work—Why the six feet? If the six feet works—Why the masks? If both of the above work — Why the lockdowns? If all three of the above work —...


Some Are More Equal Than Others! Hypocrisy & The AEN

The Academic Engagement Network…. Mark Yudof, Chair of AEN’s Advisory Board, states that AEN’s narrative “should emphasize democratic participation and civil rights; tolerance; equality for people of all races, ethnicities and sexual orientations; human rights; freedom of expression and academic freedom....