The Trouble With Treblinka & The Credibility Of Jewish Survivor Accounts

“The blood of some quarter of a million people began to flare, and thus burned for a night and a day. The whole camp administration came to look upon this marvel, gazing with satisfaction at the blaze. The blood came up to the surface and burned as if it were fuel.”


Traditional Holocaust historians state that Treblinka was a pure extermination camp in which approximately 870,000 Jews were murdered. The number of Jewish survivors of Treblinka is generally thought to have been between 40 and 70, and probably closer to the lower figure.[1] This article will examine the credibility of several Jewish survivors of Treblinka.


      Chil Rajchman was a Jewish survivor of Treblinka who was interviewed by the U.S. Office of Special Investigations in 1980. He later traveled to the United States to appear as a witness for the prosecution in the extradition trial of John Demjanjuk. Rajchman also took the witness stand in Jerusalem where Demjanjuk was put on trial for allegedly being a murderous guard at Treblinka.[2] The Israeli Supreme Court ruled that Demjanjuk’s guilt had not been proven, and that the eyewitness testimony of Rajchman and four other witnesses failed to credibly identify Demjanjuk.[3]

Rajchman described the gas chambers at Treblinka in his memoirs:

      The Schlauch road is not long. In a few minutes you find yourself in a white structure, on which a Star of David is painted. On the steps of the structure stands a German, who points to the entrance and smiles—Bitte, bitte! The steps lead to a corridor lined with flowers and with long towels hanging on the walls.

The size of the gas chamber is seven by seven meters. In the middle of the chamber there are shower-heads through which the gas is introduced. On one of the walls a thick pipe serves as an exhaust to remove the air. Thick felt around the doors of the chamber renders them airtight.

In this building there are some 10 gas chambers. At a short distance from the main structure there is a smaller one with three gas chambers. By the doors stand several Germans who shove people inside. Their hands do not rest for a moment as they scream fiendishly—Faster, faster, keep moving![4]

Austrian engineer Walter Lüftl and American engineer Friedrich Paul Berg have both documented that exhaust from Diesel engines could not have been used for mass executions at Treblinka. Lüftl concludes in his report that the stories of gas chambers with Diesel engines and gas vans at places such as Treblinka can only be disinformation.[5]

Berg writes:

“However, the story [of mass gassings] becomes even more incredible when one discovers that far better sources of carbon monoxide, better even than gasoline engines, were readily available to the Germans. Those other sources did not require either Diesel fuel or gasoline.”[6]

Rajchman in his memoirs reported the following horrific incident:

      It once happened that an oven was brought next to a huge grave, where perhaps a quarter of a million people were buried. As usual the oven was loaded with the proper number of bodies and in the evening it was lit. But a strong wind carried the fire over to the huge grave and engulfed it in flames. The blood of some quarter of a million people began to flare, and thus burned for a night and a day. The whole camp administration came to look upon this marvel, gazing with satisfaction at the blaze. The blood came up to the surface and burned as if it were fuel.[7]

Since blood consists mostly of water and is nonflammable, Rajchman’s story that blood burned as if it were fuel is totally absurd.[8]

Rajchman also reported other instances when the blood from gassed victims rose to the surface:

“I remember that every morning when we went out to work, we would notice that the surfaces of the pits had burst in dozens of places. By day the ground was firmly trodden down, but at night the blood pressed up to the surface…The blood of tens of thousands of victims, unable to rest, thrust itself up to the surface.”[9]

treblinka estimates

Rajchman’s story that “blood pressed up to the surface” at night but was trodden down during the day is ludicrous. Rajchman’s memoirs about his stay in Treblinka are no more credible than his testimony at the John Demjanjuk trial.


      Richard Glazar was a Jew sent to Treblinka at the beginning of October 1942. He said he spent 10 months in Treblinka before escaping from the camp.[10] Glazar in his memoirs stated that exhaust gasses from motors were used in the gas chambers at Treblinka:

      The gas chambers are the only brick buildings in the entire camp. Actually, they comprise two structures. At first was built—somewhat farther from the entrance—a smaller structure with three gas chambers, each about five by five meters. Sometime in the fall of 1942 the second building, containing 10 gas chambers, was completed. This building is located very close to the Pipeline, at the point where it opens into the second part of the camp. There is a hallway running all the way down the middle of the new building. One enters the gas chambers, five on either side, from this hallway. The new gas chambers measure about seven by seven meters. The motor room is built onto the back wall, where the hallway ends. The exhaust gases from the motors are pumped into the gas chambers through conduits in the ceilings of the chambers. These conduits are disguised as showers.[11]

Glazar made two major errors in his book. First, Glazar wrote that the Germans started to burn the corpses “one overcast November afternoon” in 1942.[12] This statement contradicts the standard Holocaust literature, which claims the incineration of corpses did not start until March/April 1943.[13]

      Second, Glazar said that he was part of a camouflage unit that performed forestry work in the vicinity of Treblinka. Glazar wrote:

      The camouflage unit is the only one of the old work squads that still has enough real work to do…Several times a day…some part of the 25-man unit has to go out into the forest, climb into the trees, harvest large branches, and carry them back into the camp, where they will be used for repairs. The other part of the unit straightens and firms up the posts, tightens the barbed wire, and weaves the new pine boughs into the fence until there are no longer any gaps in the dense green wall.[14]

Thus, according to Glazar, 25 inmates supplied Treblinka with its greenery for concealment. The “camouflage unit” would have been much larger if wood from the forest had been used to cremate the 870,000 corpses in Treblinka. The camouflage unit would also have chopped down the trees and then cut off the branches rather than engaging in tree-climbing activities. Yet Glazar apparently opines that such tree-felling never occurred during his time at Treblinka. Since historians universally state that there were no crematoria at Treblinka, this rules out the cremation of some 870,000 corpses using firewood.[15]

Air-photo evidence also indicates that the massive deforestation necessary to cremate 870,000 bodies never took place around Treblinka. Thomas Kues writes:

      By comparing a detailed 1936 map of the Treblinka area with air photos taken by the Luftwaffe in May and November 1944 we are able to estimate the scope of contemporary deforestation in the area. If 870,000 bodies had really been burned at Treblinka, then the procurement of the required fuel would have denuded the entire wooded area north of the camp site. The air photos show that this is clearly not the case. Rather, the visible possibly deforested areas—amounting to less than 10 hectares—indicate the cremation of at most some ten thousands of bodies.[16]

The argument that only a fraction of the corpses were burned is not valid, since the Soviet and Polish forensic examinations of Treblinka would have discovered hundreds of thousands of corpses. The Allies would have shown these corpses to the world as proof of German genocide.

The only remaining conclusion is that most Jews at Treblinka were sent somewhere else, most likely to German-occupied Soviet territory. Richard Glazar’s memoirs inadvertently confirmed the revisionist thesis that Treblinka was a transit camp.[17]

An estimation of 2.7 million deaths was revised down to 1.6 million for this applauded documentary. “Defenders of the Holocaust story have sometimes used forensic archaeologist Dr. Caroline Sturdy Colls and her limited excavation work at Treblinka to prove that Treblinka was an extermination camp. An analysis of her work shows that she fails to prove that Treblinka was an extermination camp”. From: Nazi’s Defy Laws Of Nature


Jankiel Wiernik escaped from Treblinka and published a document in May 1944 describing his experiences at Treblinka. Wiernik wrote:

      A Jew had been selected by the Germans to function as a supposed “bath attendant.” He stood at the entrance of the building housing the chambers and urged everyone to hurry inside before the water got cold. What irony! Amidst shouts and blows, the people were chased into the chambers.

As I have already indicated, there was not much space in the gas chambers. People were smothered simply by overcrowding. The motor which generated the gas in the new chambers was defective, and so the helpless victims had to suffer for hours on end before they died. Satan himself could not have devised a more fiendish torture. When the chambers were opened again, many of the victims were only half dead and had to be finished off with rifle butts, bullets or powerful kicks.

Often people were kept in the gas chambers overnight with the motor not turned on at all. Overcrowding and lack of air killed many of them in a very painful way. However, many survived the ordeal of such nights; particularly the children showed a remarkable degree of resistance. They were still alive when they were dragged out of the chambers in the morning, but revolvers used by the Germans made short work of them…[18]

So according to Wiernik, the gas chambers at Treblinka were not very efficient. Many victims suffocated or had to be killed with bullets, rifle butts or powerful kicks.

Jankiel Wiernik wrote: “Between 10,000 and 12,000 people were gassed each day.”[19] Wiernik also wrote: “The number of transports grew daily, and there were periods when as many as 30,000 people were gassed in one day…”[20] This is an incredibly large number of people killed by a defective motor that took “hours on end” to kill the victims and which was frequently left off overnight.

Wiernik also wrote that handsome Bulgarian Jews were discriminated against: “These handsome Jews were not permitted an easy death. Only small quantities of gas were let into the chambers, so that their agony lasted through the night.”[21] This would have made the gassing process at Treblinka even more inefficient. I wonder how 870,000 Jews could have been killed by such inefficient methods.

Wiernik described the corpses of the alleged gassing victims: “All were equal. There was no longer any beauty or ugliness, for they were all yellow from the gas.”[22] Actually, victims of carbon-monoxide poisoning exhibit a cherry-red or rosy red coloring.[23] Wiernik’s statement that the victims were “all yellow from the gas” is obviously false.

victim co poisoning katana
Image from Katana17: Forensic Medicine: Colour Guide (Edinburgh; New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2003) page 12.

Wiernik wrote in regard to the cremation of corpses:

“It turned out that bodies of women burned more easily than those of men. Accordingly, the bodies of women were used for kindling the fires…When corpses of pregnant women were cremated, their bellies would burst open. The fetus would be exposed and could be seen burning inside the mother’s womb.”[24]

The absurdities promulgated by Wiernik are really beyond description, yet he is probably the most prominent witness to the alleged gassings at Treblinka.[25]


Abraham Goldfarb arrived in Treblinka on August 25, 1942, and escaped from Treblinka during the revolt in 1943.[26] Goldfarb described the gassings at Treblinka:

      On the way to the gas chambers Germans with dogs stood along the fence on both sides. The dogs had been trained to attack people; they bit the men’s genitals and the women’s breasts, ripping off pieces of flesh. The Germans hit the people with whips and iron bars to spur them on, so that they would press forward into the “showers” as quickly as possible. The screams of the women could be heard far away, even in the other parts of the camp. The Germans drove the running victims on with shouts of “Faster, faster, the water is getting cold, and others still have to take a shower!” To escape from the blows, the victims ran to the gas chambers as quickly as they could, the stronger ones pushing the weaker ones aside. At the entrance to the gas chambers stood the two Ukrainians, Ivan Demaniuk and Nikolai, one of them armed with an iron bar, the other with a sword. Even they drove the people inside with blows…

As soon as the gas chambers were full, the Ukrainians closed the doors and started the engine. Some 20 to 25 minutes later an SS man or a Ukrainian looked through a window in the door. When he had made sure that everyone had been asphyxiated, the Jewish prisoners had to open the doors and remove the corpses. Because the chambers were overcrowded and the victims had held on to one another, they were all standing upright and were like one single mass of flesh.[27]

Goldfarb stated that dogs at Treblinka attacked the men’s genitals and the women’s breasts while the victims ran to the gas chambers. I wonder why all of the other survivors didn’t report these vicious dog attacks of the gassing victims. Goldfarb’s story is highly suspicious.

Goldfarb’s statement that the victims “were all standing upright and were like one single mass of flesh” is also not credible. Many of the dead victims would have fallen to the floor no matter how crowded the gas chambers. The dead victims would not have been “like one single mass of flesh.”


      No documentary or credible material trace exists of the alleged gas chambers at Treblinka. We would know nothing about the Treblinka gas chambers except for the testimony of a small number of eyewitnesses.

A November 15, 1942 report produced by the resistance movement of the Warsaw ghetto originally stated that steam chambers were used to kill Jews at Treblinka. In 1944, Jankiel Wiernik converted the embarrassing “steam chambers,” which characterized the first phase of the Treblinka atrocity propaganda, into “gas chambers.” Official historiography now considers the gas chambers of Treblinka as established historical fact.[28]

However, as discussed in this article, the eyewitness testimony of the Treblinka gas chambers is not credible. Such testimony cannot be used to prove that Germany mass murdered Jews at Treblinka. Germar Rudolf writes:

      Thus, if 100 witnesses and 100 confessions state that the moon is made of green cheese or that 870,000 corpses can be burned within a few months without fuel and without leaving traces, both assertions being of a similar intellectual quality, then we have to conclude—in light of all the forensic evidence—that the witnesses and the defendants are wrong. Like it or not![29]

Screenshot_2018-07-13 Germany To Pay Out $1 Billion In Reparations For Care Of Aging Holocaust Survivors(1)
Editor: Is it possible to objectively examine the credibility of Jewish survivor stories when so much money and influence might be at risk? Are laws and social pressure required to censor ‘hate’ or factual debate?


[1] Willenberg, Samuel, Surviving Treblinka, New York: Basil Blackwell Inc., 1989, p. 2.

[2] Kues, Thomas, “Chil Rajchman and His Memoirs,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 2, No. 1, Spring 2010.

[3] An excellent account of John Demjanjuk’s trial is provided in Sheftel, Yoram, Defending “Ivan the Terrible”: The Conspiracy to Convict John Demjanjuk, Washington, D.C., Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1996.

[4] Rajchman, Chil, The Last Jew of Treblinka: A Survivor’s Memory 1942-1943, New York: Pegasus Books, 2011, pp. 11-12.

[5] Lüftl, Walter, “The Lüftl Report,” The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 12, No. 4, Winter 1992-1993, pp. 391-406.

[6] Berg, Friedrich Paul, “The Diesel Gas Chamber: Ideal for Torture—Absurd For Murder,” in Gauss, Ernst (ed.), Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of Truth and Memory, Capshaw, AL: Thesis and Dissertations Press, 2000, p. 456.

[7] Rajchman, Chil, The Last Jew of Treblinka: A Survivor’s Memory 1942-1943, New York: Pegasus Books, 2011, pp. 91-92.


[9] Ibid., p. 79.

[10] Glazar, Richard, Trap With a Green Fence: Survival in Treblinka, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1995, p. VIII.

[11] Ibid., p. 37.

[12] Ibid., p. 29.

[13] Mattogno, Carlo and Graf, Jürgen, Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, Washington, D.C., The Barnes Review, 2010, p. 39.

[14] Glazar, Richard, Trap With a Green Fence: Survival in Treblinka: Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1995, pp. 127-128.

[15] Mattogno, Carlo and Graf, Jürgen, Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, Washington, D.C., The Barnes Review, 2010, pp. 39-40.


[17] Ibid.

[18] Donat, Alexander (editor), The Death Camp Treblinka: A Documentary, New York: Holocaust Library, 1979, pp. 163-164.

[19] Ibid., p. 159.

[20] Ibid., p. 164.

[21] Ibid., p. 172.

[22] Ibid., p. 159.

[23] Mattogno, Carlo and Graf, Jürgen, Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, Washington, D.C., The Barnes Review, 2010, p. 73.

[24] Donat, Alexander (editor), The Death Camp Treblinka: A Documentary, New York: Holocaust Library, 1979, p. 170.

[25] Mattogno, Carlo and Graf, Jürgen, Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, Washington, D.C., The Barnes Review, 2010, p. 154.


[27] Kogon, Eugen, Langbein, Hermann, and Rückerl, Adalbert (editors), Nazi Mass Murder: A Documentary History of the Use of Poison Gas, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1993, pp. 126-127.

[28] Mattogno, Carlo and Graf, Jürgen, Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, Washington, D.C., The Barnes Review, 2010, pp. 51-62, 299.

[29] Ibid., p. 307.

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21 Responses

  1. Tar Baby says:

    It’s all a game, between Jews, of “I’ll believe YOUR made-up bullshit if you’ll believe MY made-up bullshit.” It, then, all becomes “historical fact” as regards the Holocaust (TM).

  2. larryzb says:

    As to the headline above, US agrees to give $38 billion of military aid to Israel: Is there any doubt which self-interested, self-absorbed, special interest group runs the US? The craven, corrupt 2 major political parties are really just 2 cliques of Jews and shabbos goys. The choice in each election is which clique of Jews do you wish to rule over you: the Trotskyite, neocon Zionist war party (aka the Republicans), or the Marxist-Leninist party (aka the Democrats).

    Regarding Treblinka, let me add this anecdote from the Internet some years back. There was a site called the Ukrainian Archives (which was taken down by the Canadian authorities back around 2007 or 2008, I think, its web address was The owner of the site used to post very incisive articles debunking both Treblinka and Belzec camps, and the truly fantastic and grotesque claims made about these camps. Most of us are aware of the defamation of the Ukrainians by leading Jewish holocaust figures. (These beast like camp guards from the Ukraine were so terrible.) The Ukrainian website owner called out these Jews by name in his lengthy articles and exposed their lies, and grotesque exaggerations and distortions. In one article on this site, he mocked the alleged death toll of Jews for Treblinka. He said that maybe 870 Jews perished there, or perhaps it was only 87. This is in reference to the oft touted figure (in the late 1990s) of 875,000 Jews killed at Treblinka. It is a shame that he was residing in Canada, as he did not have the free speech protections we still have (for now) here in the US.

    The holocaust has been the most monstrous lie in history and one of the largest swindles. Pity, the poor Germans, who have been brainwashed with guilt for crimes that did not occur. The true holocaust, as written about several times here on WearsWar, was what was done to the Germans both during and after the war.

    • Concerned German says:

      “brainwashed with guilt” Thanks for your concern, but since I didn’t commit any crimes, I am not guilty and don’t feel guilt. Nobody I know does. You should try making other German friends.

      • WakeyWakey says:

        “Thanks for your concern, but since I didn’t commit any crimes, I am not guilty and don’t feel guilt. Nobody I know does.”

        How peculiar stating that you and ‘nobody I know’ didn’t commit any crimes so have no guilt, yet you (plural) are happily coughing up vast sums of taxpayer funds decades later to a parasitic foreign nation in so-called ‘reparations’ without any end date.

        If you have no guilt why are you not putting a stop to the leeching scam?

  3. henry hays says:

    Read the book “From Yahweh to Zion”.

    On Sat, Dec 1, 2018 at 11:00 AM WEARS WAR on the Lies, Liars & WW2 wrote:

    > wearswar posted: “”The blood of some quarter of a million people began to > flare, and thus burned for a night and a day. The whole camp administration > came to look upon this marvel, gazing with satisfaction at the blaze. The > blood came up to the surface and burned as if it ” >

  4. Concerned German says:

    700000 people in a year. On average 2000 a day. Feasible with 13 gas chambers, don’t you think so? Oh, the diesel was defective. Could it be that it wasn’t repaired for an entire year? In a German camp, where efficiency is of the utmost importance?

    “I wonder why the other survivors failed to report these vicious dog attacks of the gassing victims.“
    From Wiernik’s report: “Dogs were set upon them, barking, biting and tearing at them”.

    Perhaps Wiernik has false memories or is a lier. Perhaps he is not credible. How about Franz Stangl, is he credible? His defense during his trial was not “it didn’t happen”, but just like Eichmann “I followed orders”. Other Treblinka guards defended themselves with “I helped organize the uprising” or “I like Jews”. Not “it didn’t happen”. What do you think: False memories, lies?

    • larryzb says:

      @ Concerned German:

      “In a German camp, where efficiency is of the utmost importance?”

      You given it away this time. 😉

      Yes, given the reputation for industrial efficiency and quality product that Germans possessed, it is incomprehensible that there were millions of “survivors”.

    • John Wear says:

      Concerned German,

      You write: “Perhaps Wiernik has false memories or is a lier. Perhaps he is not credible. How about Franz Stangl, is he credible? His defense during his trial was not “it didn’t happen”, but just like Eichmann “I followed orders”. Other Treblinka guards defended themselves with “I helped organize the uprising” or “I like Jews”. Not “it didn’t happen”. What do you think: False memories, lies?”

      My response: The reality of the so-called Holocaust could not be contested in Israel or Germany. The only possible successful defense was to say “I was following orders” or “I was not involved in the murders.”

      Richard Baer, the last commandant of Auschwitz, adamantly refused to confirm the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz. Baer died in June 1963 under mysterious circumstances while being held in pre-trial custody. An autopsy performed on Baer at the Frankfurt-am-Main University School of Medicine stated that the ingestion of an odorless, non-corrosive poison could not be ruled out as the cause of his death. The Auschwitz Trial in Frankfurt, Germany began almost immediately after Baer’s death. With Baer’s death the prosecutors at the Auschwitz Trial were able to attain their primary objective—to reinforce the gas chamber myth and establish it as an unassailable historical fact.

      So Richaed Baer, who denied the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz, conveniently died before he could give his testimony. There are also many other witnesses who testified that they did not see gas chambers at Auschwitz/Birkenau.

      For example, a credible eyewitness who states that genocide did not take place at Birkenau is the Austrian-born Canadian Maria Van Herwaarden, who was interned at Birkenau from December 2, 1942 to January 1945. Van Herwaarden testified at the 1988 Ernst Zündel trial that she saw nothing at Birkenau that resembled mass murder. The Jewish prisoners she saw at Birkenau were not treated differently from the other prisoners. She also testified that many of the inmates at Birkenau died of diseases, and some inmates committed suicide.

      Thies Christophersen was another witness who said the alleged genocide of Jews during the war never happened. Christophersen supervised about 300 workers, many of them Jewish, at Auschwitz from January to December 1944. On a number of occasions during this period he visited Birkenau where allegedly hundreds of thousands of Jews were being gassed to death. In The Auschwitz Lie, a memoir first published in Germany in 1973, Christophersen wrote that during the time he was at Auschwitz he did not notice the slightest evidence of mass gassings. He also successfully answered numerous pointed questions by the prosecuting attorney at the 1988 Ernst Zündel trial about his experiences at Auschwitz.

      The prosecutors in the 1985 and 1988 Ernst Zündel trials were not able to find any effective witnesses. In fact, the prosecution witnesses in the 1985 Zündel trial were so bad that the prosecutors did not call any witnesses in the 1988 Zündel trial. Even Sabina Citron, a Jewish Auschwitz survivor who originally filed the criminal complaint against Zündel, did not take the witness stand in either of these two trials.

      • Concerned German says:

        I thought I had replied already here but either forgot to send it off or perhaps WordPress ate my comment. If it’s a duplicate, sorry.

        > The only possible successful defense was to say “I was following orders” or “I was not involved in the murders.”
        How about “I have not witnessed anything”? Just by the way, at the time of Stangl’s trial, holocaust denial was not considered a criminal offence, and I am sure Eichmann would have been delighted to get a few years prison for claiming it didn’t happen.

        > Richard Baer, the last commandant of Auschwitz, adamantly refused to confirm the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz.

        While I didn’t talk about Baer (and didn’t know about him; it’s great to learn about my country’s history), let’s see what he did. He was accused at the Auschwitz trial. From what I gather, he adamantly refused to say anything at all. Not yes, not no. He was just silent, as is his right during a trial, of course. So, I am afraid he is not a good witness for you, nor for me.

        I am happy with the admissions of Höß, Eichmann, Stangl, Gröning. If you say that survivors who confirm the killings are not credible, let’s settle on not using survivors’ reports.

    • John Wear says:

      Concerned German,

      You write: “I am happy with the admissions of Höß, Eichmann, Stangl, Gröning. If you say that survivors who confirm the killings are not credible, let’s settle on not using survivors’ reports.”

      My response: All right. The next step is to look at forensic evidence. You might want to read the following article I wrote for Inconvenient History:

      • Concerned German says:

        I have no background in chemistry. Neither has Leuchter, who holds a BA in history and made his living as a consultant for improving execution equipment. Personally, I can’t judge whether his report is credible. People with a background in chemistry can, and it turns out that scientists consider it non-scientific.

        Specifically, it is not important that traces of cyan compounds were or were not found in the samples that Leuchter brought back from Auschwitz. He didn’t apply scientific practices to obtain the samples in the first place, not taking any precautions against dilution or contamination.

        I suggest you stop using the Leuchter report. I am sure you have better material to refute Höß and friends.

        • John Wear says:

          Concerned German,

          You write: “I suggest you stop using the Leuchter report. I am sure you have better material to refute Höß and friends.”

          My response: Yes, I have the Rudolf Report, which was written by certified-chemist Germar Rudolf. Rudolf would have a PhD in Chemistry except that he was not allowed to receive his PhD in Chemistry once his report was published.

        • Tar Baby says:

          “Execution equipment” could be rocks, guns, electric chairs, lots of other things, and GAS CHAMBERS, you obfuscating troll. When I was 5 years old, I could tell that the so-called Nazi “gas chambers” were a figment of Jewish imagination. A real gas chamber is AIRTIGHT and the cyanide gas rises UPWARDS because it’s LIGHTER than air. Get a real job as you’re a piss-poor troll and butt-boy to the Jews.

  5. Les says:

    Article from the Journal of Historical Review on Treblinka –

  6. Les says:

    Concerned German – Why are you happy with the admissions of Rudolf Hoess when he was tortured and his family threatened ? –

  7. Greg Gerdes says:

    “Defenders of the Holocaust story have sometimes used forensic archaeologist Dr. Caroline Sturdy Colls and her limited excavation work at Treblinka to prove that Treblinka was an extermination camp. An analysis of her work shows that she fails to prove that Treblinka was an extermination camp.”

    Colls “work” is utterly destroyed on – THE HOLOCAUST ARCHAEOLOGY HOAX – website ( )

    There are a total of 15 alleged burial sites that can be seen in her three maps (click on the provided links to view them), and there is a total of 15 thousand dollars in reward money offered to anyone who can prove just 1 / 1,000 of 1 % of the buried remains allegations in said “graves.”

    Caroline Sturdy Colls is a liar and a coward who has never responded to a single email that I’ve sent her, or dared to answer so-much-as a single question that I’ve asked her. She, and numerous other “archaeologists” involved in this archaeology hoax (at Treblinka and elsewhere), are criminal frauds.

    Greg Gerdes


  9. Ellie Wolfe says:

    Reblogged this on Fascist Bostonian and commented:
    #6millionlies #6million #holocaust #holohoax #gentileguilt #jewlies #zionistlies #worldwar2 #wwii

  1. December 4, 2018

    […] By John Wear […]

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