Field Marshal Erwin Rommel: From Greatness To Suicide, His Story Reveals The War Was Against Germany

“What we in the German resistance [against Hitler] during the war didn’t want to see, we learned in full measure afterward; that this war was ultimately not waged against Hitler, but against Germany.”

“…Not only the enemy countries, but nearly all countries were bled white by this policy, which has left us all, except the United States of America, impoverished and in dire straits…”

Lord Hankey

“…our enemy in the East is so terrible that every other consideration has to give way before it. If he [Stalin] succeeds in overrunning Europe, even only temporarily, it will be the end of everything which has made life appear worth living!”

Screenshot_2018-07-15 Campaign Against AntiCaucasianism on Twitter Hermann Balck was one of Germany's greatest #WW2 general[...]
Though Churchill wrote an extensive article about the tyranny and threat of the Bolshevik Red Terror in 1920, he and the other Allies never declared war against it nor sought to crush it. Nor did they aide any nation trying to defend themselves against this threat.  It is noted by many historians that the seeds for WWII were likely [intentionally] sown by the crushing Treaty of Versailles in 1919 which served to : “Germany eventually signed the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919, because she faced death by starvation and invasion if she refused. With the naval blockade still in force and her merchant ships and even Baltic fishing boats sequestered, Germany could not feed her people. Germany’s request to buy 2.5 million tons of food was denied by the Allies. U.S. warships now supported the blockade. With German families starving, Bolshevik uprisings in several German cities, Trotsky’s Red Army driving into Europe, Czechs and Poles ready to strike from the east, and Allied forces prepared to march on Berlin, Germany was forced to capitulate”.  German resistance to the imminent threat of the Bolshevik Red Terror is grossly understated. This reveals much about the accepted narrative of the origins, atrocities and aftermath of WWII.


Erwin Rommel is widely regarded as one of National Socialist Germany’s best generals. Historian Daniel Allen Butler writes about Rommel: “

In France in 1940, then for two years in North Africa, then finally back in France once again, in Normandy in 1944, he proved himself a master of armored warfare, running rings around a succession of Allied generals who never got his measure and could only resort to overwhelming numbers to bring about his defeat.”[1]

This article will not focus on Rommel’s military accomplishments, which have been thoroughly documented in numerous books and publications. Instead, this article will focus on Rommel’s relationship with Adolf Hitler, whether or not Rommel was involved in the plot to assassinate Hitler, and why Rommel swallowed poison to end his life.

Rommel was known as the “Desert Fox” after his successes as commander of the “Afrika Korps”.



      Hitler first learned of Rommel’s military expertise when he read Rommel’s book Infantry in the Attack. This book, published in the summer of 1937, consisted of Rommel’s recollections of his service during World War I. Rommel’s book went through multiple editions and sold phenomenally well, earning Rommel a surprisingly large amount of money.[2]

In the beginning, none of the disdain which Hitler displayed to his other generals ever found its way into his relationship with Rommel. The two shared a camaraderie that did not go unnoticed by the rest of Hitler’s coterie. Hitler promoted Rommel to general and then gave him command of the 7th Panzer Division in February 1940. In March 1941, Hitler personally awarded Rommel the Oakleaves to his Knight’s Cross in recognition of Rommel’s outstanding leadership of the 7th Panzer Division.[3] 

Hitler next sent Rommel to North Africa to lead German forces against the British. Rommel’s forces soon captured Tobruk in Libya from the British. This victory was especially important since the number of soldiers captured at Tobruk constituted the second largest capitulation by British forces during the war. Hitler showed his esteem for Rommel by promoting him to field marshal. Rommel at the age of 49 became the youngest field marshal in the German Army, and one of the youngest in German military history.[4]

Hitler later met with Rommel on November 5, 1943, and assigned Rommel the task of defending Germany against the Allied invasion in the West. Hitler stressed the job’s importance for Germany, saying that it will be the moment of decision in the war that must turn to Germany’s advantage. Rommel drew enormous energy from this meeting with Hitler. After Rommel flew back to Italy to wind up his affairs, he wrote about Hitler:

“What power he radiates! And what faith and confidence he inspires in his people!”[5]

Rommel had major problems with Hitler, however, after the successful Allied invasion in the West. Rommel knew that Germany was in a militarily hopeless situation by late June 1944, and he wanted Hitler to negotiate peace with the Western Allies. When Rommel attempted to discuss the overall political situation at a military conference, Hitler sharply stopped him and said:

“You will deal with your military situation, and nothing else.”

When Rommel attempted again to discuss the overall situation, Hitler asked Rommel to leave the room.[6]

Rommel signed an uncompromising report on July 15, 1944, documenting Germany’s hopeless situation in the West. Rommel said to Hitler in this report that the war could not be won militarily, and asked Hitler to draw the consequences. Rommel told a German colonel the only thing that mattered now is that the British and Americans get to Berlin before the Russians do.[7]

On July 17, 1944, Rommel was severely injured when the car he was riding in crashed after being strafed by Allied airplanes. Rommel was thrown out of the car and suffered a crushing blow to the left temple and cheekbone that caused a quadruple fracture of the skull. Never again would Rommel see action on the battlefield.[8]


Hitler told Rommel in May of 1943 that there was little chance of Germany winning the war, and that he had never wanted war with the West. However, since it was not possible to make peace with those in power in the West, Hitler was determined to continue the war to its bitter end. By contrast, Rommel hoped that peace with the West could be negotiated.[9]  This was the primary source of their conflict.

Hitler was correct that a negotiated settlement with the Western Allies was not possible. Even leaders of the German resistance movement discovered that the Allied policy of unconditional surrender would not change with Hitler dead. On July 18, 1944, German conspirator Otto John returned from fruitless negotiations with Allied representatives in Madrid and informed his fellow plotters that unconditional surrender would be in place even if they succeeded in killing Hitler.

Dr. Eugen Gerstenmaier, a former conspirator and president of the West German Parliament after the war, stated in a 1975 interview:

“What we in the German resistance during the war didn’t want to see, we learned in full measure afterward; that this war was ultimately not waged against Hitler, but against Germany.”[10]

A peaceful settlement of the war was impossible after the announcement of the Allied policy of unconditional surrender at a press conference in Casablanca on January 23, 1943. The Allied policy of unconditional surrender ensured that the war would be fought to its bitter end. Maurice Hankey, an experienced British statesman, summed up the effect of the unconditional surrender policy as follows:

      It embittered the war, rendered inevitable a fight to the finish, banged the door to the possibility of either side offering terms or opening up negotiations, gave the Germans and the Japanese the courage of despair, strengthened Hitler’s position as Germany’s “only hope,” aided Goebbels’s propaganda, and made inevitable the Normandy landing and the subsequent terribly exhausting and destructive advance through North France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Holland and Germany. The lengthening of the war enabled Stalin to occupy the whole of Eastern Europe, to ring down the iron curtain and so to realize at one swoop a large installment of his avowed aims against so-called capitalism, in which he includes social democracy…Not only the enemy countries, but nearly all countries were bled white by this policy, which has left us all, except the United States of America, impoverished and in dire straits. Unfortunately also, these policies, so contrary to the spirit of the Sermon on the Mount, did nothing to strengthen the moral position of the Allies.[11]

Thus, Rommel’s hope of ending the war in the West by an armistice while fighting Communism in the East was not realistic. In fact, the Western Allies allowed the Soviet Union to take over Berlin and much of Germany. Eisenhower ordered a halt of American troops on the Elbe River, thereby presenting a gift to the Soviet Union of central Germany and much of Europe. One American Staff officer bitterly commented:

“No German force could have stopped us. The only thing that stood between [the] Ninth Army and Berlin was Eisenhower.”[12]



Historians agree that Rommel was not a part of the conspiracy that attempted to assassinate Hitler on July 20, 1944.[13] Unfortunately, Rommel was soon implicated in this conspiracy.

General Carl-Heinrich von Stülpnagel, for whom Rommel had always had a close affection, was summoned by General Wilhelm Keitel to Berlin the day after the failed assassination of Hitler. Stülpnagel, who was in on the conspiracy, attempted suicide but failed. In the resulting delirium, Stülpnagel was heard murmuring Rommel’s name. Stülpnagel was condemned to death by the People’s Court and hanged on August 29, 1944.[14]

Far more damaging to Rommel was the false testimony of Lieutenant Colonel Caesar von Hofacker. Hofacker in his interview with the Gestapo put the blame for the assassination attempt on two field marshals—Rommel and General Hans von Kluge. Kluge committed suicide by swallowing a cyanide pill rather than facing trial in Germany. Hofacker eventually signed a lengthy statement alleging that Rommel had guaranteed the conspirators his active support if the assassination succeeded. Hofacker claimed that Rommel had said,

“Tell your gentlemen in Berlin that when the time comes they can count on me.”[15]

The Gestapo also interrogated Hitler’s new chief of intelligence, Colonel Georg Hansen. Hansen admitted that Claus von Stauffenberg, the assassin, and Hofacker had stated to their fellow plotters on July 16, 1944, that Kluge and Rommel believed the Western front would collapse within two weeks. Hansen was later tried and executed.[16]

The testimony of Rommel’s close friend and associate, General Hans Speidel, was also extremely damaging to Rommel. Hitler was correctly convinced that Speidel was guilty, but Speidel’s superior intellect rescued him time and time again. After the Gestapo interrogations of Speidel were complete, the army’s Court of Honor was specially reconvened to hear the evidence against Speidel. Lieutenant General Heinrich Kircheim’s sworn affidavit of the hearing recorded Gestapo chief Ernst Kaltenbrunner as stating:

Speidel has admitted under interrogation that he was informed of the assassination plot by an emissary from Stülpnagel, but Speidel claims to have duly reported this to his immediate superior, Field Marshal Rommel, and he says it is not his fault if the field marshal did not pass his warning on. In fact—this is Speidel’s case—he did not realize that Rommel kept the warning to himself.[17]

The case against Speidel strongly incriminated Rommel in the conspiracy. When Keitel announced, “The Führer has expressed the view that there can be no doubt that Speidel is guilty,” Kircheim pointed out that the burden of proof was on the prosecution. The court acquitted Speidel of the conspiracy charges. The witch-hunt against Rommel accelerated.[18]

Eugen Maier, the local Party boss, also visited Rommel at his home and confided to Rommel that the senior SS officer in Ulm had been overheard openly stating that Rommel no longer believed in Germany’s ultimate victory. Rommel confirmed that he did not believe a German victory was possible. Rommel said about Hitler:

“That damned fool! You can’t have any faith in him at all! Since I saw the Führer in November 1942 I’ve come to realize that his mental faculties have steadily declined.”

Unknown to Rommel, Maier forwarded Rommel’s statement to his boss, Martin Bormann, who was Hitler’s personal secretary.[19]


Rommel was out of favor with Hitler after the successful Allied invasion in the West. Hitler said about Rommel,

“He tried to find some other way out than the purely military. At one time, you know, he was also predicting imminent collapse in Italy; yet it still hasn’t happened. Events proved him wrong there and justified my decision to leave Field Marshal Kesselring in charge…I regard Rommel, within certain limitations, as being an exceptionally bold and also a clever commander. But I don’t regard him as a stayer, and everybody shares that view.”[20]

Hitler’s statement reveals his disappointment with Rommel, but not a sense of betrayal. Hitler’s view of Rommel changed, however, when he received the aforementioned damaging reports against Rommel.[21]

Rommel was unaware of all the false witness testimony being made against him. In fact, Rommel was hoping for a new command in the East. When Rommel’s son Manfred asked him if he would accept such a command, Rommel replied:

“My dear boy, our enemy in the East is so terrible that every other consideration has to give way before it. If he [Stalin] succeeds in overrunning Europe, even only temporarily, it will be the end of everything which has made life appear worth living! Of course I would go.”[22]

Unfortunately, Rommel was never given the opportunity to command in the East. On October 14, 1944, General Wilhelm Burgdorf and General Ernst Maisel visited Rommel at his home. Once behind closed doors, Burgdorf came straight to the point: Rommel was accused of being complicit in the attempt on Hitler’s life. Burgdorf showed Rommel copies of the interrogations of Stülpnagel, Hofacker and Speidel. A letter from Hitler gave Rommel two choices: 1) If Rommel believed himself to be innocent of the allegations against him, then Rommel must report to Hitler in person in Berlin, or 2) Rommel could take his own life by swallowing a fast-acting poison Burgdorf had brought with him for that purpose.[23]

Burgdorf told Rommel that Rommel’s “treason” would never be made public if he swallowed the poison. Instead, the official story would be that Rommel died of complications from his wounds. Rommel would be given a state funeral, his wife Lucie would receive the full pension of a field marshal’s widow, and no reprisals would be taken against Rommel’s family or members of his household.[24]

After almost an hour spent with Burgdorf and Maisel, Rommel excused himself to speak to his wife. Rommel said,

“In a quarter of an hour I shall be dead. I’m accused of having taken part in the attempt to kill Hitler…They say von Stülpnagel, Speidel, and von Hofacker have denounced me. It’s the usual trick. I’ve told them that I don’t believe it and that it cannot be true, but the Führer has given me the choice of taking poison or being dragged before the People’s Court. They have brought the poison; they say it will take only three seconds to act.”[25]

After rejecting Lucie’s advice to fight back, Rommel repeated to Manfred what he had just told the boy’s mother, and that Manfred was to maintain the strictest silence about the agreement. Rommel climbed into the back seat of the car waiting for him. The car drove down the lane for about five minutes and then, at a signal from Burgdorf, pulled off the road and stopped. Rommel took the poison and was pronounced dead by a doctor in Ulm.[26]


      Erwin Rommel was given a state funeral as promised on October 18, 1944. Lucie collected her full pension; her entire household was not interfered with in any way by German authorities; and the fiction that Rommel had died of his wounds was carefully maintained. The integrity of Rommel’s memory and legacy was preserved for the German people.[27]

Rommel was the one German field marshal whom all of the Western Allies respected, and whom many senior British and American officers openly admired. Hans Speidel successfully emphasized his role as Rommel’s Chief of Staff to enhance his career in postwar Germany. Speidel was commissioned as generalleutnant in West Germany in 1955, and two years later he was appointed commander-in-chief of the NATO ground forces in Central Europe.[28] The fact that Speidel had lied about Rommel’s involvement in the conspiracy against Hitler, and that Speidel’s perjury had contributed to Rommel’s premature death, did not seem to bother the NATO military leaders.

Rommel was universally admired by his troops and always acted in what he thought was the best interest of Germany. David Irving writes:

“We can remember Rommel’s genius for the unexpected, his mechanical gifts, [and] his original tactic devices. Combat troops are not fools, they can sift the charlatans from the great commanders. Without exception, Rommel’s troops—of whatever nationality—adored him.”[29]


[1] Butler, Daniel Allen, Field Marshall: The Life and Death of Erwin Rommel, Philadelphia, PA: Casemate: 2015, p. 9.

[2] Ibid., p. 133.

[3] Ibid., pp. 150-151, 193.

[4] Ibid., p. 337.

[5] Irving, David, The Trail of the Fox, New York: Thomas Congdon Books, 1997, p. 313.

[6] Ibid., pp. 396-399.

[7] Ibid., pp. 412-414.

[8] Marshall, Charles F., Discovering the Rommel Murder: The Life and Death of the Desert Fox, Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1994, pp. 147-148.

[9] Ibid., pp. 235-236.

[10] Tedor, Richard, Hitler’s Revolution, Chicago: 2013, p. 257.

[11] Hankey, Maurice Pascal Alers, Politics, Trials and Errors, Chicago: Regnery, 1950, pp. 125-126.

[12] Lucas, James, Last Days of the Reich—The Collapse of Nazi Germany, May 1945, London: Arms and Armour Press, 1986, p. 196.

[13] Butler, Daniel Allen, Field Marshall: The Life and Death of Erwin Rommel, Philadelphia, PA: 2015, pp. 518-519, 536; Irving, David, The Trail of the Fox, New York: Thomas Congdon Books, 1997, pp. 406, 426; Marshall, Charles F., Discovering the Rommel Murder: The Life and Death of the Desert Fox, Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1994, p. 225.

[14] Irving, David, The Trail of the Fox, New York: Thomas Congdon Books, 1997, pp. 428-429, 432.

[15] Ibid., pp. 429-432, 440, 442.


[17] Irving, David, The Trail of the Fox, New York: Thomas Congdon Books, 1997, p. 437.

[18] Ibid., pp. 437-438.

[19] Butler, Daniel Allen, Field Marshall: The Life and Death of Erwin Rommel, Philadelphia, PA: Casemate: 2015, pp. 536-537.

[20] Irving, David, The Trail of the Fox, New York: Thomas Congdon Books, 1997, pp. 430-431.

[21] Ibid., p. 431.

[22] Butler, Daniel Allen, Field Marshall: The Life and Death of Erwin Rommel, Philadelphia, PA: 2015, p. 540.

[23] Ibid., pp. 539-540.

[24] Ibid., p. 541.

[25] Ibid.

[26] Ibid., pp. 541-543.

[27] Ibid., pp. 545-546.

[28] Ibid., pp. 509-510.

[29] Irving, David, The Trail of the Fox, New York: Thomas Congdon Books, 1997, p. 454.

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8 Responses

  1. larryzb says:

    Patton, too, was critical of the demand for unconditional surrender (at the time it was announced) as he said that it would cause the “Hun” to fight harder to the bitter end, and that would mean greater American casualties.

    Thank you for pointing out what many have failed to realize due to the propaganda that is official history. The war was not against Hitler or even National Socialism, but against Germany and the German people. This was also the British rationale in the First World War, namely, to eliminate or greatly weaken a powerful, commercial rival.

    • wearswar says:

      Editor’s Comment:
      Germanophia and German ‘guilt’ has been used post-WWII to largely destroy their ethnic survival instinct (what else does one call open borders with open welfare checks?). It is interesting to observe the success of the German ‘guilt’ campaign being expanded to ethnic European guilt globally. By believing the ‘Myth of Germany Villainy’, it is easier to believe, the now fashionable myth of ethnic European villainy, exceeds all and any crimes by any other ethnic group throughout human history.
      I suspect Rommel (a soldier) was more naive than Hitler ( a statesman). Just as Patton (a soldier) realized too late what the Allies lackey-statesmen were really up to.
      What John Wear’s writings, especially in ‘Germany’s War’, bring to the table for consideration is possibly one of the most objective reviews of this historical event. Today, it is almost impossible for people to objectively research and question the WWII narrative with an open mind. In my opinion this is a terrible handicap, how are we to understand today of we cannot see what really happened yesterday?
      The layers of programing we have and are being subjected to are like an onion – as soon as we cut through one layer our eyes water and we can’t see that there is another to cut through, and another, and another…. we give up because our eyes sting. I am sure there are far better metaphors, but readers probably understand my point.
      Germans have and are being used by terribly destructive means to bring down a larger ethnic group. Perhaps the greatest illustration of this point is that we know ethnic Germans are incredibly creative, industrious and productive… Just as they have been torn down, so it is true of all the intellectual and productive classes of people in Communist ‘revolutions’. They were almost always the first to be eliminated whether in Russia, China, Cambodia, and many other nations.
      Germany was a last defense against both radical and subversive soft Communist ‘revolutions’ and takeovers. I note today, that while nations like Australia may debate a Muslim invasion or South Africa the evils of whites, both are being bought up lock, stock and barrel by Chinese Communist Party business interests. Increasingly major ports and other critical infrastructure are owned or leased by CCP interests!!!!
      So the questions remain: Who created Communism? When did they ever renounce it? Why would they drop a winning strategy that eliminates national sovereignty? If the UN (undoubtedly pro-Communist) was so terrible for Israel, why wasn’t it shut down? Why is Communistic-Technocracy couched in fancy terms like the IMF, World Bank, Federal Reserve Bank or the secretive TTIP, TTP and other agreements that elected representatives cannot read, cannot audit and cannot pursue independent forensic fiscal analysis of; so that might be able to honestly inform their electorate, in a timely fashion, of the content and long term consequences of these trade “agreements”?
      Secretive tactics are strong arm tactics.
      The ‘mafia’ never lets a single street corner or business go independent of their “protection scheme” in their city, for if they did; then another might demand independence and then yet another… This is a key reason why the myth of German villainy can never end. Not ever. Objective historical analysis would allow Germany to achieve what it tried to in the 1930’s – become a single street corner independent of the oppression of the mafia.

      And now, we come a full circle, what differences are there in the origins, consequences and control of Communists and the Mafia? None, except scale. History does repeat and it does rhyme. That we refuse to see the rhymes shifting is on our head. That we refuse to listen to others pointing this out is criminal. We refuse to critique past historical events to remain PC and in so doing, have sold out many nations and future generations.

  2. John Wear says:

    Otto Skorzeny wrote: “The Allied conference at Casablanca made the greatest impression on all thinking men in the Axis countries. Our enemies made “unconditional surrender” their declared war aim. Now we knew where we were. I absolutely refused to consider the possibility of anything but a German victory. Both as men and soldiers, we had no other alternative.”

    The Allied demand of unconditional surrender prolonged World War II. It was totally unnecessary and greatly increased casualties among all nations in the conflict.

    • larryzb says:

      It gave the Allies more time to commit atrocities, too. Most of the Allied terror bombing of German cities occurred after this demand for unconditional surrender. What tragic irony for the Germans who fled the Red Army in late 1944 and into 1945 for the Western zones. They hoped they would at least receive humane treatment by the British and the Americans. Sadly, they did not.

  3. Arch Stanton says:

    “Rommel had major problems with Hitler, however, after the successful Allied invasion in the West. Rommel knew that Germany was in a militarily hopeless situation by late June 1944, and he wanted Hitler to negotiate peace with the Western Allies. When Rommel attempted to discuss the overall political situation at a military conference, Hitler sharply stopped him.”

    Hitler was right, Rommel was wrong. There is no peace with Jews. Judeocommunist stabbed Germany in the back even before WWI had ended. Jews have said it many times, in many ways. It’s either you goyim, or us Jews. We cannot, we will not, exist together. Only fools might believe otherwise, but just try convincing others of this fact.

    In the fight against the lying, duplicitous Jew, one will either die on their knees, groveling in tortured torment, or on their feet, fighting Jews to their last breath. However, it is critical to realize that either way, one is already dead. Jews planned their death before they were born. Only this realization will lead to the correct choice to fight bitterly to the death, for only in such a death lies any hope for the survival of our race.

    Jews are cowards; their greatest fear is death. They are therefore terrified of such resolve. They cannot comprehend those willing to die for what they believe is a lost cause and fighting to the death for lost causes are what the white man has been all about. That is why Jews have sought to denature the white man, turning him into a sniveling, obsequious, cross-dressing faggot.

    The problem is normal people cannot begin to fathom the Jews’ incredibly conniving, murderously psychopathic mind. They cannot grasp the true meaning of “chutzpah.” People think chutzpah is comparable to their idea of “gall” or “nerve,” yet chutzpah goes far beyond such weak comparisons. There is nothing comparable to chutzpah among non – Jewish cultures. Chutzpah can only be defined by example, e.g. forcing American taxpayers to fund the multitude of hallowedhoax museums and educational programs used by Jews to oppress the mind and cow them into submission – that’s chutzpah.

    People cannot grasp the lengths to which Jews will go, because they would never imagine themselves doing so. Because non-Jews cannot think like Jews, they cannot believe how Jews think. I refer now to the master:

    “All this was inspired by the principle – which is quite true in itself – that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes. From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, where as in reality they are a race? And what a race! One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. Schopenhauer called the Jew “The Great Master of Lies”. Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping truth to prevail.” ~ Mein Kampf

    After more than thirty years of studying the Jew, I am still amazed and sickened by the Jews’ actions both here and abroad. The only thing more amazing and sickening is how they get away with it with no one taking notice. Look at the chemtrails crossing the sky; this is the work of Jews. Yet, while one might convince people these trails are dangerously toxic, few, if any, are willing to lay the blame at the Jews’ doorstep. The fact is Jews control the purse strings. The president and Congress can do anything they want, pass any law, but without funding it never happens. Because the Fed provides the fountain of funding, they have the final say of what programs will be funded.

    When one understands the mind boggling expense of keeping large fleets of jet aircraft continually airborne, loaded with thousands, or millions of gallons of toxic chemical, the extent of the program boggles the mind. It is truly unbelievable, which is undoubtedly why so many refuse to believe it.

    Only Jews could, or would, afford such a program to poison the planet. Look up the hourly operating expense of flying just one such aircraft and you begin to get an inkling of what is being dealt with from an economic perspective. Jets cost biggly even when sitting on the ground, which is why airlines keep them aloft on an almost continuous basis until either superseded by more advanced technology or the end of the airframe life. Consider this is but one example of the lengths Jews’ go to achieve their agenda, there are many others equally costly and equally, or perhaps even more, destructive.

    The Jews true nature only started to dawn on me when I began researching my book about Jesus. My awakening began in earnest when I rewrote the book of Genesis. It was then I discovered details never noticed, let alone discussed. It happened because I had no religious ax to grind. I simply started out to tell the story of Jesus, but it did not take long to find the truth behind the Bible because one must know and understand the Jewish religious and cultural framework behind the story before even beginning to comprehend what actually happened in first century Judea. Ultimately, I discovered Hitler had undertaken the very same mission as Jesus, i.e. ridding their people of oppressive Jewish influence and that dear reader is why Jews hate both men with such vehemence.

    The Bible is a cookbook, a book of Jewish recipes for criminal theft and cultural destruction. It is a book of religious/legal instruction used to teach an elite cadre of priests how to accomplish oppressive, criminal acts that led to a power and wealth as great in their day as the Rothschild fortunes of today. Have you ever heard such a description of that book spawned by a race of creatures that defy the term “human?” No? Therein lies the problem.

    The vast scope of Jewish criminality is beyond description, beyond comprehension of the normal, non-Jewish mind. Hitler understood the Jew, but even he failed to comprehend the vast scale on which Jews function. Had he understood this, he would have undoubtedly tried a different approach.

    The true tragedy is that Hitler was simply too much a humanitarian to take the only action that might have saved Germany and the world, the very action Jews whine wail and bemoan and of which they falsely accuse him. The fact is, the entire Hallowedhoax narrative is nothing more than Jews’ projecting their own ideas on the Germans. Jews well know the only solution to their presence is utter annihilation. They even invented a word to describe the necessary act – “genocide.” The mythical Hallowedhoax tells us this is exactly what must happen if we are to be free of the Jew. No other way is possible. The Jews rub their lying, Hallowedhoax shit in our collective faces and then dare us to wipe it clean under threat of draconian legal penalties – that’s chutzpah.

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