The Deliberate Extermination, Torture & Starvation Of German POWs, Women & Children In Allied-Run Concentration Camps

He showed me photographs of human skeletons and letters from French camp commanders who have asked to be relieved because they can get no help from the French government and cannot stand to see the [German] prisoners dying from lack of food.

People were talking a horrifying death rate [of German POWs], not from sickness but starvation, and of men who weighed an average 35-45 kilos [80-100 pounds]. At first we doubted the truth of all this, but appeals came to us from many sources…

This is one of a series of published and planned articles detailing aspects of the Western Allies deliberate intention to murder possibly well over 1 million disarmed German POWs by means of unnecessary starvation, exposure, and illness.

On July 27, 1929, the Allies extended the Protective Regulations of the Geneva Convention for Wounded Soldiers to include prisoners of war (POWs). These regulations state:

“All accommodations should be equal to the standard of their troops. The Red Cross supervises. After the end of the hostilities the POWs should be released immediately.”

On March 10, 1945, Dwight Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, disregarded these regulations by classifying German prisoners captured on German territory as “Disarmed Enemy Forces” (DEFs). The German prisoners were therefore at the mercy of the Allies and were not protected by international law.

Introduction: Comparison to German Camps

germany destroyed by bombing
The sustained saturation bombing of Germany created horrific conditions across the nation. One of the best known Jewish ‘Holocaust-Survivors’ Eli Wiesel decided to evacuate Birkenau and travel to Buchenwald with the Germans rather than be liberated by the Russian army. Why did he and many others, including his father, voluntarily flee under the promised protection of his ‘Nazi’ captors vs wait for the Allied-Soviet liberators? Why did his Nazi captors share their extremely meager resources, including food, with him? The concentration camp autopsy reports were by credible experts including: Dr. Charles P. Larson, an American forensic pathologist, reputed as one of the world’s foremost medical detectives. Dr. John E. Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., a professor of preventive medicine and epidemiology at the Harvard University School of Public Health.

Germany also approached the ICRC immediately after war broke out with the Soviet Union to attempt to regulate the conditions of prisoners on both sides. The ICRC contacted Soviet ambassadors in London and Sweden, but the Soviet leaders in Moscow refused to cooperate. Germany also sent lists of their Russian prisoners to the Soviet government until September 1941. The German government eventually stopped sending these lists in response to the Soviet Union’s refusal to reciprocate.[iii]

Over the winter Germany made further efforts to establish relations with the Soviets in an attempt to introduce the provisions of The Hague and Geneva Conventions concerning POWs. Germany was rebuffed again. Hitler himself made an appeal to Stalin for prisoners’ postal services and urged Red Cross inspection of the camps. Stalin responded:

“There are no Russian prisoners of war. The Russian soldier fights on till death. If he chooses to become a prisoner, he is automatically excluded from the Russian community. We are not interested in a postal service only for Germans.”[iv]

The death of millions of Russian POWs in German captivity constitutes one of the major tragedies of the Second World War. However, much of the blame for the terrible fate of these Soviet soldiers was due to the inflexibly cruel policies of Joseph Stalin. A major portion of the Soviet POWs who died from hunger could have been saved had Stalin not called them traitors and denied them the right to live. By preventing the ICRC from distributing food to the Soviet POWs in German captivity, Stalin needlessly caused the death of a large percentage of these Soviet POWs.

Thus, Germany did not intentionally mass murder its POWs and camp inmates during World War II. The Allies can not legitimately use revenge as a reason for their intentional starvation of German POWs after the end of the war.   

Additional Witnesses to the American and French POW Camps

german pows eisenhower death camps
German POWs were frequently afforded no shelter, with available supplies, under orders, deliberately withheld from them in stockpiles close by. Even access to the nearby Rhine River for water and hygienic bathing was denied.  They tried to create toilet trenches, many weak and frail men fell into them and died. Other men were simply buried alive by the Allies who drove bulldozers over them under the cover of night. Why at night? Didn’t the Allies want this glorious vengeance filmed for posterity?

In addition to American soldiers and German survivors, many other witnesses and government officials knew about the lethal conditions in the Allied prisoner of war (POW) camps. In an interview conducted in June 1945 with the U.S. Army, Dr. Konrad Adenauer deplored the U.S. death camps along the Rhine in very strong terms. Adenauer said:

      Some of the German PWs are being held in camps in a manner contrary to all humanitarian principles and flagrantly contrary to the Hague [and Geneva] Convention. All along the Rhine from Remagen-Sinzig to Ludwigshafen the German prisoners have been penned up for weeks without any protection from the weather, without drinking water, without medical care and with only a few slices of bread to eat. They could not even lie down on the floor [ground]. These were many hundreds of thousands. It is said that the same is true in the interior of Germany. These people died by the thousands. They stood day and night in wet mud up to their ankles! Conditions have improved during the past few weeks. Of course the enormous number of prisoners is one of the causes of these conditions but it is noteworthy that to the best of my knowledge, it took a great many weeks to improve at least the worst conditions. The impression made on the Germans by the publication of facts about the concentration camps was greatly weakened by this fact…I know that in the winter of 1941-1942 the Russian prisoners were very badly treated by the Germans and we ought to be ashamed of the fact, but I feel that you ought not to do the same thing. German prisoners too in camps ate grass and picked leaves from the trees because they were hungry exactly as the Russians unfortunately did….[1]

Dr. Adenauer’s description of the German men who “stood day and night in wet mud up to their ankles” as they died by the thousands is similar to the description of the prisoners in American camps along the Rhine made in April 1945 by U.S. Cols. Charles Beasley and James Mason, who said that the prisoners were “standing ankle-deep in mud.”

german pow pen
In March 1945, the Polish military command declared that the entire German people shared the blame for starting World War II. Over 105,000 Germans were sent to labor camps in Poland before their expulsion from Poland… it is estimated that as many as 50% of the inmates, mostly women and children, had died from torture, ill-treatment, malnutrition and diseases.
torture germans rhine meadows
The Rhine meadows also became systematic death fields. Americans did not get these images. German POWs on American soil were portrayed as pampered.

Dr. Joseph Kirsch, a French volunteer doctor who worked in an evacuation hospital for moribund prisoners of war, writes:

      I volunteered to the Military Government of the 21st [French] Military region [near Metz]…I was assigned to the French Military hospital at the little seminary of Montigny…In May 1945, the Americans who occupied the hospital at Legouest brought us every night by ambulance, stretchers loaded with moribund prisoners in German uniforms…These ambulances arrived by the back door…We lined up the stretchers in central hall. For treatment, we had nothing at our disposal. We could only perform elementary superficial examinations (auscultation), only to find out the anticipated cause of death in the night…for in the morning, more ambulances arrived with coffins and quicklime…These prisoners were in such extremely bad condition that my role was reduced to comforting the dying. This drama has obsessed me since the war; I consider it a horror.[2]

Similar to the experience of U.S. Cpl. Daniel McConnell, Dr. Kirsch discovered that these “hospitals” were merely places to take moribund prisoners rather than places to help the prisoners get well.

Prisoners transferred from the American camps to the French camps kept on starving. Journalist Jacques Fauvet wrote in Le Monde: “As one speaks today of Dachau, in 10 years people throughout the world will speak about camps like Saint Paul d’Eyjeaux,” where 17,000 prisoners taken over from the Americans in late July were dying so fast that within a few weeks two cemeteries of 200 graves each had been filled. The death rate by the end of September was 10 per day, or over 21% per year.

Germany spent almost $1Billion to prevent typhus type diseases spreading. Saturation bombing of Germany while the Allies unnecessarily prolonged WWII had a severe impact on all infrastructure.  Above: A few of the thousands of healthy babies born in Auschwitz. Below: Healthy Buchenwald inmates celebrating liberation.
buchenwald 1945

Fauvet challenged the question of revenge:

“People will object that the Germans weren’t very particular on the matter of feeding our men, but even if they did violate the Geneva Convention, that hardly seems to justify our following their example…People have often said that the best service that we could do the Germans would be to imitate them, so they would one day find us before the judgment of history, but it is to an ideal higher than mere dignity that France should remain faithful; it is to be regretted that the foreign press had to remind us of that…We didn’t suffer and fight to perpetuate the crimes of other times and places.”[3]

Jean-Pierre Pradervand, head of the delegations of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in France, went to inspect the French camp at Thorée les Pins in the late summer of 1945. This camp was already known in the village nearby as “Buchenwald” after the notorious German camp. Two thousand of the men at the camp were already so far gone that nothing could save them. Twenty of the prisoners died the day Pradervand was there. Approximately 6,000 of the prisoners would soon be dead unless they were immediately given food, clothing, shelter and medical care. All of the remaining prisoners were undernourished.

Pradervand first appealed directly to de Gaulle, who repeatedly ignored him. So Pradervand got in touch with the ICRC in Geneva, asking for action. On September 14, 1945, the ICRC in Geneva sent a devastating document to the State Department in Washington, D.C. based on Pradervand’s report of the conditions in the camp. The document requested that the U.S. government take emergency measures to supply the prisoners with food, medications, clothing, boots, blankets, and soap. The ICRC recommended that the United States increase rations in American camps in Europe to obviate the prolonged undernourishment of the German prisoners.[4]

Henry W. Dunning, who was in the prisoner of war department of the American Red Cross, also wrote on September 5, 1945, to the American Red Cross headquarters in Washington, D.C. Dunning stated:

      [T]he situation of the German prisoners of war in France has become desperate and shortly will become an open scandal. During the past week several Frenchmen, who were formerly prisoners of the Germans, have called on me to protest the treatment being given German prisoners of war by the French Government. Gen. Thrasher, commanding the Oise Intermediary sector, asked one of our field workers to come to Paris to see me about the same matter. Mrs. Dunning, returning from Bourges, reports that dozens of German prisoners are dying there weekly. I saw Pradervand who told me that the situation of German prisoners in France in many instances is worse than in the former German concentration camps. He showed me photographs of human skeletons and letters from French camp commanders who have asked to be relieved because they can get no help from the French government and cannot stand to see the prisoners dying from lack of food. Pradervand has appealed to everyone in the French government but to no avail.[5]


The French newspaper Le Figaro reported the horrific conditions of the prisoner camps in September 1945. The newspaper had been convinced by the testimony of impeccable witnesses, such as a priest, Father Le Meur, who had actually seen the prisoners starving in the camps. Le Figaro’s reporter, Serge Bromberger, wrote:

“The most serious source confirmed that the physical state of the prisoners was worse than deplorable. People were talking a horrifying death rate, not from sickness but starvation, and of men who weighed an average 35-45 kilos [80-100 pounds]. At first we doubted the truth of all this, but appeals came to us from many sources and we could not disregard the testimony of Father Le Meur, Assistant General Chaplain to the prisoners.”

Le Figaro interviewed French Gen. Louis Buisson, the head of the Prisoner of War Service, who admitted that the prisoners got only 900 to 1,000 calories per day. Buisson said,

“The doctors told us this was just enough for a man lying in bed never moving not to die too quickly.”[6]

Louis Clair wrote in The Progressive of the horrible conditions in the French camps of German POWs. He reported:

In a camp in the Sarthe district for 20,000 prisoners, inmates receive 900 calories a day; thus 12 die every day in the hospital. Four to five thousand are unable to work at all anymore. Recently trains with new prisoners arrived in the camp: several prisoners had died during the trip, several others had tried to stay alive by eating coal that had been lying in the freight train by which they came.

In an Orleans camp, the commander received 16 francs a day per head or prisoner to buy food, but he spent only nine francs, so that the prisoners were starving. In the Charentes district, 2,500 of the 12,000 camp inmates are sick. A young French soldier writes to a friend just returned from a Nazi camp: “I watch those who made you suffer so much, dying of hunger, sleeping on cold cement floors, in no way protected from rain and wind. I see kids of 19, who beg me to give them certificates that they are healthy enough to join the French Foreign Legion…Yes, I who hated them so much, today can only feel pity for them.”

A witness reports on the camp in Langres: “I have seen them beaten with rifle butts and kicked with feet in the streets of the town because they broke down of overwork. Two or three of them die of exhaustion every week.”

In another camp near Langres, 700 prisoners slowly die of hunger; they have hardly any blankets and not enough straw to sleep on; there is a typhoid epidemic in the camp which has already spread to the neighboring village. In another camp prisoners receive only one meal a day but are expected to continue working. Elsewhere so many have died recently that the cemetery space was exhausted and another cemetery had to be built.

In a camp where prisoners work on the removal of mines, regular food supplies arrive only every second day so that “prisoners make themselves a soup of grass and some stolen vegetables.” All prisoners of this camp have contracted tuberculosis. Here and elsewhere treatment differs in no respect from the Nazi SS brutality. Many cases have been reported where men have been so horribly beaten that their limbs were broken. In one camp, men were awakened during the night, crawled out of their barracks and then shot “because of attempted escape.”

There are written affidavits proving that in certain camps commanding officers sold on the black market all the supplies that had been provided by American Army authorities; there are other affidavits stating that the prisoners were forced to take off their shoes and run the gauntlet. And so on, and so on…These are the facts.[7]

The ICRC inspecting the French camps in 1945 and 1946 reported time after time that conditions were “unsatisfactory,” “disturbing,” “alarming,” but very seldom that they were satisfactory. At the end of October 1946, the ICRC stated that “the situation at present is more than alarming. More than half the German POWs working are insufficiently clad and will not be able to stand up to the rigors of winter without running the gravest risks of disease. In such conditions a high number of deaths in the course of winter must be expected.” The same dire warnings were repeated in a report by the ICRC in 1947.[8]

Random shootings of prisoners were common in the French camps. Lt. Col. Barnes reported that drunken French army officers at Andernach one night drove their Jeep through the camp laughing and shouting as they blasted the prisoners with their Sten guns. The result was 47 prisoners dead and 55 wounded. French guards pretending to notice an escape attempt at another camp shot down 10 prisoners in their cages. The violence reached such heights in the 108th Infantry Regiment that Gen. Billotte, the commanding officer of the Region, recommended that the Regiment be dissolved. Billotte’s recommendation was based on the advice of Lt. Col. de Champvallier, the Regiment’s CO, who had given up attempting to discipline his men.[9]

French Capt. Julien thought as he walked in the former American camp of 32,000 prisoners at Dietersheim in July 1945, “This is just like Buchenwald and Dachau.” The muddy ground was “peopled with living skeletons,” some of whom died as he watched, others huddled under bits of cardboard. Women lying in holes in the ground stared at him with bulging bellies from hunger edema, old men with long grey hair watched him feebly, and starving children of six or seven looked at him with lifeless eyes. Julien could find no food at all in this camp. The two German doctors in the “hospital” were attempting to take care of the many dying patients stretched out on dirty blankets on the ground, between the marks of the tents the Americans had taken with them.

The 103,500 prisoners in five camps near Dietersheim were supposed to be part of the labor force given by the Americans to the French for reparations. However, of these prisoners the French counted 32,640 who could not work because they were old men, women, children less than eight years old, boys age eight to 14, terminally sick or cripples. All of these prisoners were immediately released. The prisoners found at another former U.S. camp at Hechtsheim were also in lamentable condition. The skeletal prisoners at Hechtsheim dressed in rags again reminded Capt. Julien of the victims in German concentration camps. In his report, Julien called the camps “bagnes de mort lents” or slow death camps.

Capt. Julien took immediate steps to improve conditions in the camps. The official army ration had been only 800 calories per person per day. This starvation level, which was the same as the German concentration camp at Belsen when it was liberated, was all that the French army allocated to POWs from its own supplies. Capt. Julien rounded up the women from the village, who immediately brought food to the camp. Julien received additional help in his efforts to improve conditions in the camps from “German authorities” and the ICRC. By August 1, 1945, over 90% of the prisoners were housed in tents, food rations were greatly increased, and the death rate had been cut by more than half. Capt. Julien’s system of improving the camps worked. The U.S. Army could have adopted Julien’s humanitarian methods, but chose instead to let the German POWs die of exposure and slow starvation.[10]

On a visit to one prison camp, Robert Murphy, who was the civilian political advisor to Eisenhower while he served for a few months as Military Governor, “was startled to see that our prisoners were almost as weak and emaciated as those I had observed in Nazi prison camps.” The commandant of the camp told Murphy that he had deliberately kept the inmates on a starvation diet. The commandant explained, “These Nazis are getting a dose of their own medicine.” Murphy was later able to get the commandant transferred to another post. It is uncertain how much conditions at the camp improved after the commandant’s transfer.[11]

Above: German POWs being intentional starved by Eisenhowers orders. Günther Wollny, who had been an inmate in both Auschwitz and Zgoda, stated after visiting an Allied-run prison camp that held German men, women and children after WWII: “I’d rather be 10 years in a German camp than one day in a Polish one.”


[i] Bacque, James, Other Losses: An Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans after World War II, 3rd edition, Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2011, pp. 67-68.

[ii] Wear, John, Germany’s War: The Origins, Aftermath and Atrocities of World War II, Upper Marlboro, MD: American Free Press, 2014, p. 383.

[iii] Tolstoy, Nikolai, Victims of Yalta: The Secret Betrayal of The Allies 1944-1947, New York and London: Pegasus Books, 1977, pp. 33-34.

[iv] Ibid., p. 34.

[1] Bacque, James, Other Losses: An Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans after World War II, 3rd edition, Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2011, pp. 186-187.

[2] Ibid., p. xxxix.

[3] Ibid., pp. 97-98.

[4] Ibid., pp. 87-88.

[5] Ibid., p. 89.

[6] Ibid., p. 91.

[7] Clair, Louis, The Progressive, Jan. 14, 1946, p. 4. Quoted in Keeling, Ralph Franklin, Gruesome Harvest: The Allies’ Postwar War Against the German People, Torrance, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1992, pp. 22-23.

[8] Bacque, James, Other Losses: An Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans after World War II, 3rd edition, Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2011, p. 107.

[9] Ibid., pp. 85-86.

[10] Ibid., pp. 81-83.

[11] Ibid., pp. 144-145.

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18 Responses

  1. Mike Walsh says:

    Here’s freedom to him who would speak; here’s freedom to him who would write; for there’s none ever feared that the truth should be heard; save he who the truth would indict! ~ ROBERT BURNS.

  2. larryzb says:

    When I consider all the needless suffering and injustice inflicted on mankind in the hellish 20th century by that one extremely self-interested, chauvinistic ethnic group (or tribe), it literally causes me a visceral reaction. I do not know if I will be commenting any more, the whole subject is so upsetting to me. However, I do want to thank John Wear and wearswar for their ongoing efforts to bring the unpleasant truths to a wider audience.

    One wonders what cultural and scientific and technological achievements the German people could have and would have contributed to the world, if the National Socialist regime would have been left alone by the arrogant, aggressive and covetous Western democracies. We will never know. In one of the books I recently read on Hitler, it told of how he envisioned the time when the German government would and could become less authoritarian once certain societal achievements had been reached.

    I close my comment with this link to a few good images of Chancellor Adolf Hitler, the most demonized and vilified man in history, with children. Makes one think . . . .

    • John Wear says:


      You write: “I do not know if I will be commenting any more, the whole subject is so upsetting to me.”

      My response: I have enjoyed reading your comments and hope that you will continue making them. Your comments have added important additional information to our articles.

    • WW2Truth says:

      It is upsetting Larry. Sometimes I vacillate between not reading anymore because I get sick to my stomach to standing on the busiest street corner and “preach” to all bystanders the truth that has been kept so hidden from us all. I think it is our duty to continue to read and learn, no matter how horrific, and spread this truth so that the dead will finally have their justice, Germany may one day be free, and those behind this Satanic slaughter will be put under the light of truth for all to see. That is why no one wants to learn the truth: most don’t have the stomach for it and they don’t want the responsibility that comes along with it.

    • wearswar says:

      Editor Comment: Just to add to the other comments. @Larry your comments have always been respected, very much appreciated and, IMO, are informative for all. People do read the comments which helps both the site and general learning. I really liked the link you added, and intend to contact them (photos are difficult to find in this censored world!).

      Personally I sleep better at night knowing I have done something to honor and support courageous people like: David Irving, Ernst Zundel, Sylvia Stolz, Ursula Haverbeck, Alfred Schaefer, Monika Schaefer, Fred Toben and many others.

      From feedback elsewhere I know a few Germans have taken significant comfort from the efforts of everyone around here to counter the lies about them. What a privilege it is to authentically honour another!

      This site is also a great outlet for my stubborn streak and resentment of being traumatized in school by being forced to study works like Anne Frank’s Diary as if they were factual accounts not fake fiction proven in various lawsuits. This is tyrannical child abuse being forced on our youth across the Western world. I feel we have a moral obligation to counter it whenever possible.

      John Wear is well aware of some of the terrible nightmares we editors have had when working on some of the articles (especially the horrific nature and scale of the rapes the Allies permitted on German girls and women). Contributing in a small way to bring such truths to light is vital to ones sense of self-identity and self-respect. This is exactly what the liars and traitors want to destroy in us all. A fierce sense of identity and rational morality is not only an anathema to them, it is dangerous to their subversive activities. They want us to be overwhelmed and/or demoralized. We’ll never consent.

      Discovering real, factual and honest history is a tremendous threat to them. Once we question one aspect, another comes to light and then another…. we begin to see patterns and common threads. Imagine Europe, America and Africa today if the whole unvarnished truth about slavery over the last 2,000 years was taught?

      The term “The Resistance” was, as is typical, co-opted prior and during WWII. Blood thirsty Communist insurgents were given this nice benign descriptor instead of being called what they actually were; Terrorists.

      Your blog, videos, shares and comments contribute to the real Resistance.

      We all know that nature works slowly, in cooperation with many natural forces (including water, fire and wind) to create and erode mountains and carve new landscapes. We just have to remember we are, each and every one of us, tiny natural forces working together to erode mountains and mountains of bullshit created in defiance of natural laws. We are the real Resistance.

      • larryzb says:

        “We all know that nature works slowly, . . . ”

        I can only offer a couple of relevant quotes attributed to Lao Tzu (who lived at about the same time as the Buddha):

        “The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.”

        “It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.”

        Thanks to all for their comments. It is a difficult fight, yes, but it is the good fight and one we must wage.

    • WakeyWakey says:

      I understand how you feel Larry! I have ‘resigned’ many times (haha!) – but never for long.

      When I reach a point of feeling the same way I have a total break – enjoy my dog, cat, plants and birds, read a spiritual book I resonate with, and watch soul-cleansing black and white movies – carefully avoiding the WWII propaganda movies of course (after placing my comment to that effect!) and so recharge my Warrior-for-Truth Energy Batteries.

      But I can’t stay away too long and I find myself plunging back into the info war fray of sharing links and commenting, donating to our frontline warriors etc.

      As the saying goes – it is darkest just before the Dawn.

      I sincerely appreciate your well thought out responses to articles on wearswar and the Ethnic European and always seek out your comments. I hope you will have a little break, take a holiday, and return invigorated to press on.

      Many good people remind their listeners that behind the physical ordeal is the real war – spiritual warfare – so that one needs to nurture the spirit and also to do our bit then leave the results to God.
      Eustace Mullins kept Christ close throughout his life and I’m sure this relationship enabled him to endure the persecutions of the FBI. He did once say he was protected. What an honorable life!

      The truth shall out! There is a mass awakening now stirring and the Enemy are panicked. Hence the desperation tactics to censor, cut off funding systems etc. and evil attempts at intimidation. (3mins)

    • chasmark says:

      Sometimes I get so angry I become afraid at what I might do. I try to tap my inner-Zoroaster: Good thoughts, Good words, Good deeds: I must keep my thoughts Good or my deeds will erupt in violence.

      But dear god, how to bear the knowledge that a relatively small group of people — what Jeff Gates calls “a transgenerational criminal gang,”
      visited (and continues to impose) so much suffering on so many truly fine people, and not want to howl with rage and lash out.

      Even worse, is that this “transgenerational criminal gang” has infected with a kind of sadistic bestiality USA decision makers who control extraordinary levers of financial power and ability to kill. As upsetting as it is to read of Germans being starved post-war, it is ten times more horrible to hear congressmen chortle that “the Iranian people are rioting because eggs cost $5; our plan is working!” Or, “Russians sanctions are “biting.”

      The Golden Rule has been perverted to, Do Unto Iraqis, Libyans, Palestinians, Syrians, Iranians, and Yemenis as we got away with doing to the Germans.

  3. John Wear says:


    I think many people are also afraid of reprisals if they publicly speak the truth.

    For example, I have a friend who read my book “Germany’s War” and was going to write a five-star review of my book on Amazon. He did not write his review because he was afraid his review could be traced back to him and he could get in trouble at work.

    Even in the United States where we have First Amendment rights, most people are afraid to publicly contest the official Holocaust narrative. Most people are afraid of the power of Zionist/Jewish forces.

  4. WakeyWakey says:

    “History would be something extraordinary,
    if only it were true”

    Leo Tolstoy

  5. Sababu A. Sanyika says:

    from justice4germans site –

    It’s time to debunk the “Nazi” epithet, and to show you where it came from, who invented it, and why. The fact is, that the term “Nazi” was created by the enemies of the National Socialists (the NSDAP). It was a pejorative term; an insult or a slur. The Germans, not even Hitler nor any other top party officials ever called themselves “Nazis”! They called themselves “National Socialists” and nothing else. Those who can read German and have studied any of the original documents and speeches know this already, but most don’t.
    “The term “Nazi” (along with “Nazism”) is a political epithet invented by Konrad Heiden (7 August 1901 – 18 June 1966) during the 1920s as a means of denigrating the NSDAP and National Socialism. Heiden was a journalist and member of the Social Democratic Party. The term is a variant of the nickname that was used in reference to members of the SDP at the time “Sozi” (short for Sozialisten). “Nazi” was a political pun, based upon the Austro-Bavarian slang word for “simpleton” or “country bumpkin”, and derived from the fairly common name Ignatz. It would be like saying “nutsy”. So, if for no other reason, one should easily understand why the term was regarded as derogatory by the National Socialists and why they would never use it to describe themselves. One should also see why it would be used and popularized by Marxist-Bolshevik agitators and understand how it was seized upon by various other political opponents and subversive types, both within Germany and abroad, including the international media and political leaders of the western powers.” (Metapedia)
    It should immediately become apparent that, if there is no such thing as a “Nazi”, except in the propaganda which was invented and spewed by this man, then it follows logically, that there is also NO such thing as a “Neo-Nazi” either. Those who would describe themselves as such are as ignorant as those who say they hate “Nazis” and they are equally decieved. Indeed, I highly suspect that some of those who promote “Neo-Nazism” are really agents whose job it is to keep the spectre of evil “Nazis” alive, and to effect the demonization of all those who would dare question the whole history about Hitler, the NS and WWII that we have all been sold.
    What we must also know about Mr. Heiden, however, is that he was not just any other political opponent in the days of the Weimar Republic. He, himself was a “Jew”, and his father was a trade unionist, and that the trade unions were teaming with subversive, violent, Marxist-Bolsheviks. And NO, that is not “racist” statement, nor is intended to promote hatred. Merely to sate the facts. If you want to make such childish accusations then please start with attacking Wikipedia.

  6. adeybob says:

    revisionist shite.
    You could have just said, “the nazis weren’t all that bad..the allies were just as bad…neo-nazis aren’t evil gits who think they’re superior to everyone else on the planet.
    Here, buy my book” had to go and write this sprawling mess instead.
    My people died fighting nazis..but people like you cling to nazi beliefs because you’re white and you feel superior.
    Sick puppy.

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