The Contradictory Testimony of Jewish Survivors & Other Eyewitnesses At Auschwitz-Birkenau
“In fact, the prosecution witnesses in the 1985 Zündel trial were so bad that the prosecutors did not call any witnesses in the 1988 Zündel trial.“
In addition to numerous Jewish survivors of Auschwitz-Birkenau I have met, it is amazing how many survivors of these camps are mentioned in pro-Holocaust books and other mainstream sources. This article will discuss some of these Jewish survivors and other eyewitnesses who prove that genocide did not take place at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Famous Jewish Survivors Of Auschwitz-Birkenau
The fate of Anne Frank, who is known around the world for her famous diary, is typical of many Jews who died in German camps during the war. Anne and her father were first deported from the Netherlands to Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1944. Anne’s father, Otto Frank, contracted typhus and was sent to the camp hospital to recover. He was one of thousands of Jews who remained at Auschwitz-Birkenau when the Germans abandoned the camp in January 1945. He survived the war and died in Switzerland in August 1980.[1]
If Auschwitz-Birkenau had been a place of mass exterminations, why would the German authorities leave behind thousands of disabled Jews such as Otto Frank to testify to their genocide? The SS would have easily been able to gas and cremate these Jewish inmates in crematorium V at Birkenau during the first week of January 1945.[2]
In the face of the advancing Soviet army, Anne Frank was evacuated to Bergen-Belsen, where she died from typhus in March 1945. While Anne Frank’s fate was tragic, her story is not consistent with a German program of extermination against the Jews. Along with thousands of other Jews at Bergen-Belsen, Anne died from a typhus epidemic and not from a German plan to commit genocide against European Jewry.[3]
Elie Wiesel, whose autobiography Night written in 1956 helped him win the Nobel Peace Prize, never mentioned homicidal gas chambers at Birkenau in his book. Instead, Wiesel wrote that Jews were killed en masse by being thrown alive in burning pits.[4]
Wiesel also mentioned in Night that he had surgery on an infected foot in January 1945. The German authorities at Birkenau gave Wiesel and other hospital patients unfit to travel the option to remain in the camp. Wiesel and his father decided to evacuate Birkenau and travel to Buchenwald with the Germans rather than be liberated by the Russian army.[5]
Viktor Frankl’s book Man’s Search For Meaning has been ranked by the Library of Congress as one of the 20th century’s 10 most influential books in the United States. Frankl described his experiences at Auschwitz in this book as if he had spent many months there. In reality, Frankl was in Auschwitz only for a few days in October 1944 while in transit from Theresienstadt to a sub-camp of Dachau.
Frankl has admitted this to the American evangelist Robert Schuller:
“I was in Auschwitz only three or four days…I was sent to a barrack and we were all transported to a camp in Bavaria.”[6]
Frankl’s short time in Auschwitz is substantiated by the prisoner log from the sub-camp of Dachau, Kaufering III, which listed Frankl’s arrival on October 25, 1944, six days after his departure from Theresienstadt.[7] Thus, Frankl’s descriptions of his long stay at Auschwitz in Man’s Search For Meaning are false and inaccurate.
Primo Levi was a Jewish Communist who one would think would have been executed at Auschwitz-Birkenau. However, along with about 7,000 to 8,000 additional disabled Jews, Levi was left behind in Auschwitz. Although the Germans could have executed Levi and the other Jews in a few days, the Germans let them survive to tell their story about Auschwitz-Birkenau.[8]
Young Jewish Survivors Of Auschwitz-Birkenau
Numerous Jewish survivors of Auschwitz-Birkenau have publicly described a German policy of genocide. I will discuss in this section Jewish inmates of Auschwitz-Birkenau who were so young that one would not expect them to survive if there had been a German policy of genocide.
Thomas Buergenthal is a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Sachsenhausen as well as the Polish ghetto of Kielce. Buergenthal, a Harvard-educated lawyer who served on the International Court of Justice at The Hague, was only 10 years old when he arrived in Auschwitz. Buergenthal claims in his memoir, A Lucky Child, that his group was spared the selection process because it luckily arrived in Auschwitz instead of Birkenau.[9]
Buergenthal writes that he was later transferred to Birkenau and lived in camp E, which had housed many thousands of Gypsy families.[10] Buergenthal explains how he was spared the selection process at Birkenau:
Soon after we had arrived in Auschwitz, my father, seeing how routine selections were conducted and that children were most at risk, came up with a strategy to beat the system. Every morning when we had to line up for the daily counting exercise, I would try to stand all the way in the back and very close to the entrance of the barrack. As soon as we had been counted and if it appeared that there might be a selection, I would try to slip back into the barrack and hide. That strategy saved me a number of times. It was not always easy to execute, however, because I had to disappear without being seen by the SS or the barrack boss, but I was never caught.[11]
Buergenthal says he escaped other random selections by obtaining a job as an errand boy for a Kapo friend. In late October 1944, Buergenthal says he was then sent to a barrack at a hospital camp.[12] The SS one night dragged out all the people in this barrack to be gassed, but Buergenthal says he was lucky again. Buergenthal writes:
It was a miracle, I thought, that the SS had not found me. Soon, though, I learned how I had been saved. When we first arrived at this barrack, a red X had been placed on the backs of our individual index cards. My friend, the young Polish doctor, apparently tore up my card and issued me a new one without the red X. When the SS came in and demanded the cards with the red mark, my card was not among them. The doctor had saved my life, and my nightmares saved me from witnessing what was happening that night and possibly giving myself away.[13]
A week or two later Buergenthal was moved to the children’s hospital in camp D. Buergenthal thus confirms what Holocaust revisionists know; numerous children were also “lucky” and survived the alleged selection processes at Birkenau.[14]
Bernard Marks is a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz and Dachau who says he spent five and one-half years in these camps. Marks was 87 years old when he made this statement in March 2017, which means he would have been at most 10 years old when he entered Auschwitz. Similar to Thomas Buergenthal, Marks survived Auschwitz even though he was only a 10-year-old child at the time. [15]
A man in a video on Facebook claims he was sent to Auschwitz at age 10 and survived. The man says that Dr. Mengele would make selections to determine who went to the gas chambers. He claims he told Dr. Mengele that he was 17 years old, and his life was saved because Dr. Mengele miraculously let him live. The man also claims in this video that 1.5 million children were killed in the gas chambers at Auschwitz. If this man survived at age 10, however, certainly many other Jewish children survived as well.[16]
On January 21, 2015, Reuters listed numerous Jewish survivors who were young children while in Auschwitz-Birkenau. These include Jacek Nadolny, who was only age seven when sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Zofia Wareluk, who was born in Auschwitz two weeks before the camp was liberated. Other Jewish survivors who were no older than age 10 while in Auschwitz-Birkenau include Elzbieta Sobczynska, Henryk Duszyk, Danuta Bogdaniuk-Bogucka, Janina Reklajtis and Barbara Doniecka.[17] The survival of so many young Jewish children at Auschwitz-Birkenau is not consistent with a German policy of genocide against the Jews.
The survival of young children at Auschwitz-Birkenau is not surprising since Auschwitz-Birkenau served as a transit camp for detainees unfit for work. This is proven by a note dated July 21, 1942, concerning a telephone conversation that took place the day before. SS-Hauptsturmführer Theodor Dannecker wrote:
The question of the evacuation of children was discussed with SS-Obersturmbannführer Eichmann. He decided that transports of children are to take place as soon as transports into the General Government are again possible. SS-Obersturmbannführer Nowak promised to provide about six transports to the General Government at the end of August/beginning of September, which may contain Jews of all kinds (also those unfit for work and old Jews).[18]
Eyewitness Testimony
A credible eyewitness who states that genocide did not take place at Birkenau is the Austrian-born Canadian Maria Van Herwaarden, who was interned at Birkenau from December 2, 1942 to January 1945. Van Herwaarden testified at the 1988 Ernst Zündel trial that she saw nothing at Birkenau that resembled mass murder. The Jewish prisoners she saw at Birkenau were not treated differently from the other prisoners. She also testified that many of the inmates at Birkenau died of diseases, and some inmates committed suicide.[19]
Joseph G. Burg, a Jewish author who wrote several books on the Holocaust story, testified at the 1988 Zündel trial that he had spoken to hundreds of people who had been at Auschwitz-Birkenau when he visited the camp in the fall of 1945. Burg formed the opinion that there were no German extermination camps, the gas chambers had never existed, and there was no plan to exterminate the Jews of Europe.
Joseph Burg also testified at the 1988 Zündel trial that he spoke to hundreds of people who serviced and operated the crematoria, but he could not find anyone who had operated homicidal gas chambers. Burg testified that the crematoria had been established for hygienic purposes as a result of typhus and other diseases. Burg also testified that he attended the Nuremberg trials in 1946 and met Ilya Ehrenburg, who had visited Auschwitz-Birkenau, as well as a Jewish publisher who had been interned in Auschwitz for several years. Both Ehrenburg and the Jewish publisher said they did not see any homicidal gas chambers while at Auschwitz-Birkenau.[20]
Thies Christophersen was another witness who said the alleged genocide of Jews during the war never happened. Christophersen supervised about 300 workers, many of them Jewish, at Auschwitz from January to December 1944. On a number of occasions during this period he visited Birkenau where allegedly hundreds of thousands of Jews were being gassed to death. In The Auschwitz Lie, a memoir first published in Germany in 1973, Christophersen wrote that during the time he was at Auschwitz he did not notice the slightest evidence of mass gassings. He also successfully answered numerous pointed questions by the prosecuting attorney at the 1988 Ernst Zündel trial about his experiences at Auschwitz.[21]
The prosecutors in the 1985 and 1988 Ernst Zündel trials were not able to find any effective witnesses. In fact, the prosecution witnesses in the 1985 Zündel trial were so bad that the prosecutors did not call any witnesses in the 1988 Zündel trial. Even Sabina Citron, an Auschwitz survivor who originally filed the criminal complaint against Zündel, did not take the witness stand in either of these two trials.[22]
The failure of the prosecutors in the Ernst Zündel trials to find effective witnesses caused Robert Kahn to write:
“If the concept of ‘symbolic victory’ is sometimes difficult to apply precisely, the 1985 prosecution of Ernst Zündel clearly backfired. What had been an attempt to silence Zündel, and possibly use the legal system to repudiate denial, became instead a public relations coup for the Toronto publisher and his supporters.”[23] Alan Dershowitz concurs, calling the Zündel trials “a total victory for Holocaust deniers and a total disaster for Holocaust survivors and the Jewish people.”[24]
Dr. Wilhelm Stäglich also wrote that he did not see any evidence of genocide of the Jews at Auschwitz. Stäglich, a German judge, visited Auschwitz several times during the Second World War as a German orderly officer of an Anti-aircraft Detachment. Dr. Stäglich published an account of his visits to Auschwitz in which he stated that on none of these visits did he see gassing installations, instruments of torture, or similar horrors. Stäglich wrote,
“None of the inmates behaved as though they were in fear of mistreatment, let alone death.”[25]
Violette Fintz, a Jewish woman who had been deported from the island of Rhodes to Auschwitz in mid-1944, and then to Dachau and then to Belsen in early 1945, said that from her experience Belsen was worse than Auschwitz. Fintz is another Jew who survived Auschwitz and lived to describe her experiences at the camp.[26]
The large number of Jewish survivors of Auschwitz-Birkenau and other German camps makes impossible a program of genocide against European Jewry. These Jewish survivors include many children who were obviously too young to be good workers and contribute to the German war effort. Dr. Arthur Robert Butz writes in regard to the large number of Jewish survivors of the so-called Holocaust:
“The simplest valid reason for being skeptical about the extermination claim is also the simplest conceivable reason; at the end of the war they were still there.”[27]
[1] Weber, Mark, The Journal of Historical Review, May/June 1995, Vol. 15, No. 3, p. 31.
[2] Mattogno, Carlo, Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity, Volume Two, Washington, D.C.: The Barnes Review, 2010, p. 558.
[3] Weber, Mark, The Journal of Historical Review, May/June 1995, Vol. 15, No. 3, p. 31.
[4] Wiesel, Elie, Night Trilogy, New York: Hill and Wang, 2008, pp. 51-52.
[5] Ibid, pp. 98-100.
[6] Frankl, Viktor, “Dr. Robert Schuller Interviews Viktor Frankl: How to Find Meaning In Life,” Possibilities: The Magazine of Hope, March/April 1991, p. 10.
[7] Pytell, Timothy, “Extreme Experience, Psychological Insight, and Holocaust Perception; Reflections of Bettelheim and Frankl,” Psychoanalytic Psychology, Vol. 24, No. 4, Oct. 2007, p. 646.
[8] Faurison, Robert, “Witnesses to the Gas Chambers of Auschwitz,” in Gauss, Ernst (ed.), Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of Truth and Memory, Capshaw, AL: Thesis and Dissertations Press, 2000, p. 142.
[9] Buergenthal, Thomas, A Lucky Child: A Memoir of Surviving Auscwhwitz as a Young Boy, New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2009, p. 65.
[10] Ibid., p. 66
[11] Ibid., p. 74.
[12] Ibid., pp. 74-75, 77-79.
[13] Ibid., p. 81.
[14] Ibid., pp. 81-83.
[18] Mattogno, Carlo, Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity, Volume Two, Washington, D.C: The Barnes Review, 2010, p. 654.
[19] Kulaszka, Barbara, (ed.), Did Six Million Really Die: Report of Evidence in the Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel, Toronto: Samisdat Publishers Ltd., 1992, pp. 253-255.
[20] Ibid., pp. 259-262.
[21] Christophersen, Thies, “Reflections on Auschwitz and West German Justice,” The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 1985, p. 118.
[22] Kulaszka, Barbara, (ed.), Did Six Million Really Die: Report of Evidence in the Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel, Toronto: Samisdat Publishers Ltd., 1992, pp. i-1.
[23] Kahn, Robert A., Holocaust Denial and the Law: A Comparative Study, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2004, pp. 86-87.
[24] Ibid., p. 119.
[25] Stäglich, Wilhelm, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, Institute for Historical Review, 1990, p. 293.
[26] Weber, Mark, “‘Extermination’ Camp Propaganda Myths” in Gauss, Ernst (ed.), Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of Truth and Memory, Capshaw, AL: Thesis and Dissertations Press, 2000, p. 303.
[27] Butz, Arthur R., The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry, ninth edition, Newport Beach, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1993, p. 10.
HDOT (Holocaust debate on trial) is defending these lies like it’s their own baby, the very fact that they’re trying to keep the lid upon this would ultimately make them the real deniers. The believers are using this as their site now for their so called “evidence”
Furthermore, the Bundes Kriminal Amt reviewed Ann Frank’s diary, investigated forensically, and have concluded that majority of the Diary was written with a ball ink pen, something that wasn’t even heard of until 1944.
Articles like these are needed. There are those who will choose to remain in a state of denial as to the various problems with eye witness testimonies. For some people, confronting an unpleasant truth (of being lied to) just makes them too uncomfortable.
There is also much contradiction among these eye witness testimonies at some of the alleged death camps as to precise means of mass murder (with many sensationalistic even absurd stories put forth). There is no agreement even on whether diesel or gasoline fumes were used when engine exhaust asphyxiation is asserted.
Forensic evidence does not corroborate these eye witness claims of mass extermination. Nor does documentary evidence of the period. (We do have the fraudulent claims made during the war as part of war time atrocity propaganda, but those claims are “fake”.)
(There were only about 52 muffles at Auschwitz-Birkenau for possible cremations. These could not dispose of even hundreds of thousands of corpses, let alone millions, during the war. Cremation was needed due to the local high water table that made burial impractical and unsafe.)
All this brings us to the conclusion that the Jews themselves know the story, their story, is a hoax.
(At trials in the US in the mid 1980s to deport Ukrainians back to the USSR, there was a travelling group of survivors who made the rounds at each trial and claimed that they had been in various camps and identified the accused in the courtrooms. One judge grew tired of some of their antics and booted the whole coterie of them out of the courtroom. I will have to look this one up in my personal library but from memory it may have been at one of the trials for a man named Fyodor something in Florida.)
It is the most astonishing and outrageous slander and betrayal against an innocent nation in history in my opinion, especially when you consider one fact:
“Until the Talmudists stabbed Germany in the back with the London Agreement of October 1916, the Talmudists throughout the world were pro-German. Why were they pro-German? The German ‘Emancipation Edict’ of 1822 guaranteed Talmudists in Germany all civil rights enjoyed by Germans. Every country in Europe had quotas for Talmudists. The quota systems had existed for centuries in all European Countries. Under the quota system in European countries, Talmudists were limited in all activities to a small percentage of the Christian population of the country. The quota systems applied to all occupations….
After the Emancipation Edict in 1822, Germany was the only country in Europe which did not place restrictions on Talmudists under a quota system limiting their civil rights. Talmudists throughout the world were informed by cable from London about the October 1916 London Agreement. That information transformed them from pro-German to pro-British….
Great Britain placed at the disposal of Talmudists in London their secret codes and worldwide cable facilities to inform Talmudists throughout the world about Great Britain’s pledge to turn over Palestine to them as compensation for railroading the United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain’s ally in their war against Germany……..On April 6, 1917, President Wilson and Justice Brandeis knew something the grass roots population of the U.S. did not know – they knew full particulars about the October 1916 London Agreement. They also knew the declaration of war by the United States against Germany activated this agreement and that Talmudists of the world would not have to wait long for Palestine….Wilson’s declaration of war was to satisfy his commitment to his blackmailers….Wilson was aware when he addressed Congress that Germany had not committed any act against the U.S. which justified a declaration of war….against Germany under international law. this author at that time knew President Wilson was informed to that effect before he made his plea to congress…..”Above from Jewish Insider who knew personally 7 Presidents, Benjamin Freedman
At the point when the Zionists coerced Britian into their London Agreement, Britain had all but lost WWI and yet had been offered generous peace terms by Germany with no penalties whatsoever. The would have ended in 1916 with no American loss of lives, far less British and European lives, and no Jewish bolshevik coup d’etat against Christian Russia hence no USSR and no 66 million Russians slaughtered by the bolshevik regime.
Quite correctly Germany held the Talmudists responsible for their defeat and all their suffering and disadvantage that followed. “Talmudists throughout the world had tried in vain since 1919 to silence German resentment against them for railroading the United States into the war in Europe without justification or provocation….” The Talmudists in August 7, 1933 declared their so-called ‘holy war’ against Germany, an economic war that caused Germany’s export business suddenly ending as if by magic. This declaration of war against Germany by the Talmudists was declared “when not a hair on the head of a Talmudist in Germany had been touched. Germany was plunged into a depression….Talmudists hoped that way to stop Germans from continuing to talk about why they lost the war. Talmudists in Germany were finding it difficult to live that down..”
Above info and quotes from US Jewish Insider Benjamin Freedman, who knew personally 7 Presidents and whose family was intimate with the Baruch family. He became so disgusted with Jewish intrigue he renounced and exposed their manipulations and intentions through both world wars:
This comment has been posted on Unz Review
The trauma of having survived incineration in the gas chambers at Auschwitz is transgenerational; that is, second and third generation Jews, children of survivors of gas chambers, also experience holocaust trauma and seek psychological treatment for their suffering.
About 30 years ago Francine Shapiro, a psychologist, developed an eye-movement technique (EMDR) to aid sufferers of psychological traumas such as PTSD. As you might expect, Holocaust survivors avail themselves of this therapy.
In one recent account of the outcomes of use of EMDR, therapist Uri Bergmann reported that:
Lots of other insights in Bergmann’s comments about the Holocaust survivors he treats —
PS The first paragraph should be read as sarcasm.
Yes, that was understood.
In the article you linked I note the children are subjected to controlling-guilt-inducing behaviors by their own parents:
“But, the mantra was always, ‘after all we’ve been through, how could you?’ That is sort of the unique curse that is sort of inflicted on the
second generation” (so-called holocaust survivors) p. 19
That of course indicates poor parenting choices & behaviors, not genetic trauma, affecting their children.
In contrast, for 70+ years ALL German children have been subjected to guilt and demonizing narratives by every state institution, media outlet and Jewish organization EVERY single day of their lives.
This is apparently acceptable systematic state sanctioned abuse of little children generation after generation – as long as they are German.
The psychological and real-life consequences are dire and “self-evident”, soon Germans will be a vilified ethnic minority in their own homelands. We are witnessing their genocide by stealth and the fulfillment of the evil mantra “Germany Must Perish”. For even an ounce of common-sense and compassion would halt the cruel psychological treatment of little German children for an event they had no hand in.
Hope you’re safe, sound & warm in the face of weird weather, Wear.
I am safe, sound and warm this winter. I live in Dallas, Texas, and fortunately we have escaped snow and ice so far this winter.
I was researching Violette Fintz just now because I was shocked that Jews would be transported to these camps from as far away from Rhodes in Greece. I found most webpages say 1,600 Jews were deported from Rhodes and around 30 survived and the rest were gassed. I came upon a statement of Violette Fintz in the book “The Holocaust: The World and the Jews, 1933-1945”, which says: “Violette Fintz of Rhodes found her brother in Dachau. She begged him to have the courage to live. But he was already dying from an injury to his leg; and a few days later, he died. Violette was transferred to Belsen, where she miraculously found her sister Miriam… [who] had a very high temperature…. Many girls died…” . This is merely one account where a girl finds nearly her whole family from a mere 1,600 people, who then appear to have died from starvation, disease and sickness caused by the Allied bombings.
Most of the Jews who died in the German camps during World War II died of disease, starvation and other natural causes. That Jews suffered tremendous hardships in these camps is not in dispute. However, there were no homicidal gas chambers in any of the German camps, and National Socialist Germany did not have a program of genocide against European Jewry.